Feb 24, 2019 22:17
Well, it only took almost 2 months to make a post this year.
1. I missh how things were just 10 years ago. :/ I have no one to fangirl with anymore, and no enablers for my writing.
2. Lost my left foot due to an infection that became osteomyelitis, and being diabetic made it worse. This was November. I still have a small hole in the incision area since I fell on it 3 times before all sutures were removed (one time was in the rehab unit of hte hospital!)
3. Got that stupid film over my cataract replacement lens. Getting that (hopefully) fixed in a couple of weeks.
4. Totally depressed, having lots of headaches, and just not caring about things in general. Seriously, most (if not all) of my email is from mailing lists. :( I kind of hate myself. I'm not good in social situations, and it's hard for me to talk to people.
5. Oh, and I might have lost my job if my doctor didn't get that form bacck to them in time. Officially, my leave ended Saturday. That's up in the air right now.
life in general,