Title: Superhero
Characters: Kevin, Scotty
Pairing: Kevin/Scotty
Rating: G
Summary: Scotty's feeling a little under appreciated.
Word Count: 210
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I lose. Good day sir.
A/N: Inspired by an episode of Frasier
Scotty was on the patio, his hands resting on the fence.
"Uh-oh, I messed up," Kevin said coming up behind him.
"That's your 'my husband has been ignoring me' face."
Kevin stood beside him now, his hand on top of Scotty's.
"I'm sorry Scotty. I know my family gets most of my attention, and this function has taken most of my evening."
"I'm not mad at you. Not really. I know you just want to be there for everyone."
"And you. I want to be there for you too."
Kevin lightly kissed Scotty's lips.
"I love you Scotty. I really and truly do."
"I know. I don't doubt that. I just want some time with you today. I just want five minutes, then you can go and be everyone else's superhero. I just want five minutes for you to be mine."
Kevin put his hand on the back of Scotty's head, and kissed him as hard as he could.
"I want to be your super hero before I'm anyone else's. I'm going to give you more than five minutes. Every dance for the rest of the night is yours."
"Mmm, I like the sound of that."
"So am I your super hero again?"
"You never stopped being it Kevin."