Fic Rec and Pics

Dec 29, 2008 03:17

So I'm just going to blanket rec elless18 'cause their fic is AWESOME and they have this way of writing JensenAndJared that is just Brilliant.

Also in celebration of My Charlie-Girl (a.k.a. justthismorning) reaching almost 21,000 words on her TBA Big Bang Fic I promised Pics:

Charlie, this one is for you. Call it my 'I wish this was how it could be' pic:

He's just so young and happy and carefree in this picture.

This next one is from MBV-3D, but it's not spoilery:

And this last one is one I don't recall having seen much:

This'll probably be my last post til I get back after New Years. So I want everyone to stay safe and have fun. ILU All!!

pic spam, ftw, fic recs, f-list: all, \o/, f-list: justthismorning, actors: jensen ackles

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