Secret Santa Fic: For Jess. Cookleta

Dec 26, 2008 15:46

Title: Wouldn’t Be Christmas Without You

Author: Lady Taevyn

Rating: G

Disclaimer: The David’s aren’t mine, please to not be suing.

Summary: David knew Archie would make a great dad.

A/N: This is for Jess. It’s probably not exactly what you are looking for. But with all my RL stuff going on… I’ll make a better attempt after New Year’s.

Archie closes the front door quietly behind himself knowing David is probably in the nursery trying to get Merrin to sleep. They have a busy day planned for tomorrow a houseful plus some coming over to help them celebrate Mer’s first Christmas. Archie realizes it’s probably a little on the ridiculous side going all out for an eight month old who won’t even remember it. But they’ll do it anyway; they promised each other, when they signed the papers bringing Merrin into their family, that she wouldn’t ever lack for anything. As Archie walks through the house he hears the dogs quietly snuffling in the spare room in their doggie beds; and it’s only as he gets to the doorway for the nursery that he hears David singing barely audibly. Archie knows how relaxing feeling the words rumble through David’s chest can be. He’s fallen asleep to it many times so he’s not really surprised when David turns slowly and he sees that Merrin is out cold. David finishes the song he was singing a little louder so that Archie can hear the words as well.

“Baby it wouldn’t be Christmas without you. Look at that Merrin, Daddy made it home in time to kiss you goodnight.” David says deftly handing the baby off. It catches him off guard every time they do this, just how easily Archie went from quiet and reserved to competent and caring when they brought Merrin home. Not that David expected anything less; he knew Archie would make a great dad. “You’re home later then I expected, everything go ok with the label?” David asks as Archie sits in the padded rocker in the corner subconsciously rocking the chair in what has become the ‘Merrin sleeping rhythm’. David knows Archie loves this little ritual and he’s tempted to leave the room and let Archie have his quiet time with the baby. As he turns for the door Archie’s subdued voice stops him.

“Don’t go. Sing us another song, please?” And David knows Archie’s got the ‘puppy eyes out in full force without even having to look. David is tempted to break out into ‘House on Christmas Street’ but he knows that’s not what this moment calls for. So he picks the melody of the song he was singing before Archie came in back up and sings through the last verse again.

“As our little one’s waiting for Rudolph, she falls asleep in my arms. I quietly pray, ‘thank God for these days; our family and friends near and far’. And I dream that every December you’ll say that you love me too. ‘Cause baby it wouldn’t be Christmas without you. No baby it wouldn’t be Christmas with out you.” David leans in and presses a gentle kiss to Merrin’s forehead then presses a slightly harder kiss to Archie’s lips. “Hopefully she’ll sleep through the night. Crib her anytime you’re ready then come to bed.” He says once again heading for the door to do one last check of the house before crashing.

cookleta, american idol, i ship it, new fic, holiday

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