The One Time When Extra Isn't a Good Thing

Apr 29, 2013 17:36

Had an appointment with the Neuro Goddess for Dylan today. She got the results of the Chromosomal Micro array literally just before she walked into the exam room to see us. So she didn't have a lot (any) time to figure out what the info meant before she was telling me about it. It boils down to that Dylan has extra genetic material on the 10th ( Read more... )

neuro goddess, real life, blah blah blah, dylan the wonderful, random, the hubby

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witchyemerald April 29 2013, 22:52:42 UTC
Me again! As your going to tell I come from a family of people with problems.
Kayla my niece who is really my friends daughter, was born with a slew of issues. Almost non of which was even noticed until she was devolving.

Doctors Doctors Doctors! At three when she was clearly still at about 8 months mentally and we where fighting to see why, she had about 8 different Doctors and more tests then high school finals.
BTW she is age 13 now and the retested her with new better test and found a different diagnose

Anyway to answer your Q - no Doctors will refer to others because they are not trained in that field, test what-ever, just keep track. I don't know who your insurance is but if you go to a test here and doctor there and the send records back and forth keep track of Doctor name, test, date, and if you can get a copy of test for yourself. The last in case you go to a doctor and they want to redo a test and don't know you had it done already, or if one gets lost ect.

Records help with Adam (my bro I talked about last time) we had a Doctor that thought Adam was a drug user until we plop down a huge folder with tests since he was about 4.

But another thing I pass along is for Kayla because of the doctors and test is we try to make it as fun as possible. I know you can't on all the test etc. but maybe do something after that is a reward/look forward too. I could be simple like he gets to pick the movie that night, to new parks to visit or favorite one. With Kayla I lucked out. She loves to look at magazines and make up stories about the pictures or the free clothes catalogs now because she likes to shop and so we would add to her collection. Also her mom has apps she likes to play that are for the Doctors office, so why we are waiting she gets to play her favorite game as a treat.

Don't know if this helps at all


willow_fae_20 April 29 2013, 23:01:01 UTC
Thanks that does help. I just wish she'd waited until she had all her facts in order before giving us the test results. 'Cause now we just have this half information and don't know what to do with/make of it. It's just frustrating.

I mean I just don't understand why we have to see more doctors. We have a diagnosis, can't we just leave it at that and see the doctors we have now?


witchyemerald April 29 2013, 23:05:44 UTC
because chest change yearly and sometimes diagnosis change with tests. I know it's frustrating I understand we've been there done that. sometimes you have to be the aggressive parent and make sure that all the doctors have their ducks in a row did you send those tests over I have an appointment I wanted to the doctor to have time to see them did you get those tests you have time to see how do I need to re make an appointment.

sorry if the spread funny I was done by speak to text


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