The One Time When Extra Isn't a Good Thing

Apr 29, 2013 17:36

Had an appointment with the Neuro Goddess for Dylan today. She got the results of the Chromosomal Micro array literally just before she walked into the exam room to see us. So she didn't have a lot (any) time to figure out what the info meant before she was telling me about it. It boils down to that Dylan has extra genetic material on the 10th chromosome. And variants in the 7th and 16th. I don't know what any of that actually means; because he doesn't display any of the signs of Split Hand Foot Malformation Syndrome (which is what extra genetic material on the 10th usually means). So she needs to look at the results a little more and she'll get back to us. But she's recommended that Hubby and I go for Genetic Testing and that we take Dylan to see a Geneticist at Hershey Medical Center... IDK though; that'd be 4 doctors for one little boy. That just seems excessive.

Advice, anyone?

neuro goddess, real life, blah blah blah, dylan the wonderful, random, the hubby

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