I kind of want to call shenanigans on S2 so far, scrap it, and start over with different (read: better) writers.
A couple quotes that I found that spoke to me WRT: last nights Hawaii 5-0:
There are two kinds of writer: those that make you think, and those that make you wonder.
- Brian Aldiss
A writer should say to himself, not, How can I get more money?, but How can I reach more readers (without lowering standards)?
- Brian Aldiss
Others have said it far more eloquently than I, but I'm going to say it here too; for the record:
Why has Danny been written so inconsistently? Seriously, Isn't there a basic 'character sheet' for each of the main characters tacked up on the wall in the writers room so there aren't such Glaringly Obvious Issues with characterisation from week to week. I mean if I were part of the Hawaii 5-0 writing team I would demand that the other writers figure out the Basics of the Fab 4's personalities before attempting to delve into anything with them.
Is Danny a good father who would travel thousands of miles away from his family to get the shitty end of a custody agreement? Or is he a shitty father who takes his kid Trick-or-Treating around a Skeevy motel and expects the other occupants to actually have candy? Is he a 'good Catholic boy' who believes in the intercession of saints (the St. Michaels medal he carries, and the one he gave to Kono), or is he agnostic/atheist who tramples on the beliefs of others?
So far, writers, I'm not liking the character you've created in Danny Williams.
There is a very well thought out 'Character Chart' available here:
http://www.eclectics.com/articles/character.html I kind of feel like someone should print this out and send it to the Hawaii 5-0 writers with instructions that it needs to be filled out and please for the love of all that is good and right try not to contradict yourselves.
Max was awesome. I loved how he put the shades on 'HoCaine' style before he said his last line.
Steve was cool for telling Danny off in the car.
The last scene in Danny's new apartment was made of win.
That is all.