New Fic: Reason Has No Relevence

Jun 18, 2011 10:31

Title: Reason Has No Relevance

Rating: PG

Pairing: Steve/Danny

Summary: Danny finally decides to get some ink.

A/N: This is for delicatale in response to a back and forth we had about Scotty Caan wearing lots of long sleeved tops in L.A. during the Summer. Title and cut text are from 'Wonder of my World' by Steve Carlson.

A/N 2: This has not been beta'ed, and there are probably a crap-ton of SPaG errors, 'cause I wrote it in Notepad... Whatever.

Danny was drunk. That's totally the story he's going to go with if anyone should ask him about it. Which no one ever will; because no one will ever see it. In all actuality he was stone sober and drew the damn thing himself - stylised 'S' on the chest and all - even though he'd wanted to go with simple words. Because getting a tattoo of the Navy 'SEAL' insignia is pretty much a no-no unless you are a Navy SEAL. He gets it on the inside of his wrist, like only the drunkest Spring Breakers, because getting it on his ass would have been too much. As if this whole situation isn't too much already. So, yeah; Danny Williams' only tattoo is a small seal with an honest to God red cape and 'Superman' S on it's chest. And why did he chose to get it right around the same time he decided short sleeved polo's were in fact still considered professional wear, he'll never know. So he goes back to wearing long sleeved button-ups and ignoring everyone's stink-eye.


It's been months since he got his permanent artwork so he's not even thinking about it when he says 'yeah, sure' to Steve's offer to bring Grace over one Saturday for Surf lessons. Then Steve talks him into coming into the water with them. So without thinking he unbuttons the cuffs of his shirt and loosens his tie (damn it he Likes looking professional), and is completely caught off guard when Steve grabs his wrist and tugs.

"What's this?" Steve asks, running his finger over the pulse point in Danny's wrist.

"It's a tattoo, Steve. I know you know all about those." Danny snarks kind of wanting to be anywhere else but here.

"I see that. It's certainly an interesting design." He pulls the wrist in his hand closer to his face, as if he needs it that close to see exactly what it is.

"It was stupid and I'm thinking of getting it lasered off." Danny replies trying ineffectually to tug his hand free of Steve's.

"Don't." Steve says, something warm blooming in his chest.

"Don't?" Danny wants clarification. Needs to know where this is going.

"Yeah, don't. Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you I can be a possessive bastard when I get it in my head that something is finally mine." Steve is smiling now; looking right at Danny, begging him to understand what he's saying.

"Okay. Yeah, okay. I can work with that." Danny says stepping closer to Steve. They have a lot more to talk about, for sure. But for now Grace was promised surfing lessons.

f-list: delicatale, fic, i blame delicatale, pairing: steve/danny, fandom: hawaii 5-0

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