My Fandom For a Commercial

Jun 14, 2011 23:22

So I saw this new Domino's commercial and it makes me chuckle and think of Hawaii 5-0.

For those of you who can't play at home: Some 'Suit types' are introducing new flavor combo's to a bunch of kids. The first one is a 'Philly Cheesesteak'. All the kids make appropriate 'eewww... yuck...' faces. The next one is the 'Honalulu, Hawaii' And one little boy's reaction is to say 'eeewww' and literally turn his back and like jump away from the table. My first thought after I saw it: OMG It's Wee!Danny; Why So Adorable?!?!

In Other (Fandom) news: I'm rough drafting (long hand, nothing on the computer yet) my H 5-0 Orchestra!AU. And it is awesome. So far I've got bits and bobs of Steve plotted; and the intro of Danny. I'm having trouble getting into Chin-Ho and Kono's heads.

In other news: My Wee one had a dr's appointment today so I left my older son in the car with my parents and when I came out of the dr's office there was a woman in the waiting room who walked out with me and she was all 'Is that your kid in the car screaming their head off with the two adults who are doing nothing?' and I was all 'Yes but he will calm down as soon as I get in the car (which he did).' and she was all 'Are they your parents, if so I feel bad for how you were raised.' My first thought: Mind your own? My dad's first thought: She must be a 'supermom' and he kind of wants to look her up when her daughter (who was on her hip) is in highschool to see if she's pregnant. Apparently (according to my mom) the woman was in the front yard of one of the houses across the road from my pediatricians office and heard Dylan putting up a fuss; so she had to come over and berate my parents for 'doing nothing' (which they knew the only thing that would help would be my presence, so.). I was so tempted to call my pediatricians office and be like: 'Do you make it a habit to allow random people to stand around your waiting room and harass your patients?'

dylan the wonderful, wtf, fandom: hawaii 5-0, real life, parents, blah blah blah, family, ryan the magnificent, blathering

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