You know how in some shows there is a character who appears a handful of times for whatever reason and this character has a name that can be heard/spelled several different ways? I fucking wish there would be a consensus on the proper spelling/pronunciation. Because it's really starting to piss me off.
The name in question that is pissing me off:
Victor Henrickson. I have always heard it (on Show) pronounced Henrickson. But I see it spelled (on the Storyfinders comm and several other places) in any number of ways:
Hendricksen (also with an 'o' where the second 'e' is), Henricksen, Henderson (also with an 'e' where the 'o' is). I think I've even seen variations on Anderson...
Can fandom PLEASE come to a damn consensus about how this man's name is spelled.
/rant. Sorry to take up f-list space for this, but it's just finally gotten to me enough to need to say something about it.