Dear Diary: today I was captured by hill-folk and almost burnt alive, it was a great day.

Mar 05, 2009 21:25

So I think I might have gained Steve Carlson another fan... In the form of my mother.

As we don't have a lot of money to throw around on birthday gifts I decided to make my mom a 'mix-CD' and I put a bunch of the songs I have on repeat in my Media player on it. So there's some David Cook, some Nickleback, some Maroon 5, and I decided at the last minute to toss 'Come Around More Alabama' on there. When I got in the car (they took me shopping today) I handed the CD up to her with a 'Happy Birthday (a week or so early)'. My dad was all 'well lets listen to it now.' When Carlson came up my mom was all 'I don't recognise this guy. Who is it?' This was after she confused Maroon 5 for Lifehouse... Yeah IDK. So then I explained that it was Carlson who I know of through my huge, obnoxious crush on Jensen Ackles (I had to explain that he's on Supernatural), and that if she wanted I could burn whatever else I have of his onto another CD (along with all of David Cook's album, and the one Maroon 5 album I have). She was all for it. She was like 'I think I like his sound. It's kind of maudlin in an upbeat way...'

As always shopping with the Parentals was a hoot. It never fails to amaze me how much I don't mind hanging out with them, now that I'm past my 'teenage rebellion/parents are the bane of my existence' phase.

artist: steve carlson, \o/, real life, parents, ftw, family, shopping, music

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