mini update

Jan 26, 2009 21:40

so i mailed the letter to mom. have moments of guilt but am mostly proud of myself.

i'm getting closer and closer to actually applying to graduate school. only need to find an advisor in my dept of interest to drill with questions, will work on this wednesday.

am annoyed at self for being late (again) on the uptake. about graduate school i mean. i was in my senior year at unca before i realized how i should have planned out my undergraduate education. here i am thinking seriously about grad school when i could have learned more about the whole process at unca and not been clueless about it right now.

joey was sick last week and we had to take him off his raw diet as it may have caused it. lab work is still pending. it could be he has a malabsorption/food allergy issue that has been chronic all along. i hate to be a negative statistic for raw diets. i liked being on the raw diet wagon.

i'm on the no alcohol wagon. have been since jan 17th and am aiming for one month.

it snowed here and it's crazy cold. 3 F outside. last week it was 60 F and later this week will be back to 50 F.

i suspect that is about it. for now.
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