Oct 30, 2007 10:44
Honestly I've had too many experiences with the paranormal. But the first paranormal experience I can recall happened when I was about 3-4 years old, you know when you first start to comprehend memories and such. I lived in a house full of adults I was the only child at the moment.
I live in Ohio which isn't prone to earthquakes, but that day we had one.
My grandmother was looking out the window and my aunt had just went to the kitchen and I was going to follow her. I was between the living room and dining room, in this room that we didn't do anything in. I saw 11 things, I don't know how to describe them, they were surrounding me and telling me things were going to be ok. That's when the earthquake happened. It wasn't a big deal but my aunt saw me talking to myself, she knew what was going on although she couldn't see them herself. Those 11, spirits for the lack of correct terminology, they have basically followed me through out life. I wish I could describe them much better but I can't, I can only draw them out and I can't draw very well
What's a paranormal experience you've had, or a a scary story you know of. Come on make me piss my pants!