Aug 24, 2004 01:41
Attention ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, and any other random catagory ive befrended over the years. this friday is a joint celebration. First off i will soon be 21, and since most of you wont participate on my actual birthday next tuesday, im doin this. Second, our very own carly will be leaving for spain on sunday. So, this is the celebration of my legal intoxication, and a celebration for the unspeakable horror we are about to unleash on spain :P
This friday, at Island park in springfield, we are going to get together around 4 ish. Were talkin barbacue, assloads of food, ultimate, carlys planning twister, swimmin and all sorts of shit.
If you read this your invited. If your reading this randomly and you live in eugene, your invited. If you know someone who might know me or carly, theyre invited. If you think your not invited, your invited. If you know any interesting single women ages 18-23ish, theyre definitely invited. oh, yeah, and if you know any freaky artsy guys with really good looking hands, i guess they can come too.
After that, were gonna kick back to lynns for fire and a long evening of random ass crap.
Bring food, bring drink, bring people i can knock around in tackle ultimate frizbee.... and possibly bring a frizbee cause i dont think i have one.
(leave a post here so i know what the numbers are like)