Feb 09, 2006 16:32
so, week started off great
party friday, party saturday
earnt money on sunday
wen into town with helen on weds
was great, felt like summer, got sum fotos developed and my ear pierced
then it went shit, and my sleepin pattern fucke dup and iv got ppl complaining to me how much their life sucks left right and centre and for fucks sake, i was happy till a bunch of depressed fucks came along, and just shut up, ok?!?
i dont wanna hear how messed up ur family is, how ur life got fucked up by one thing or another, how ur life is shit know coz of this and that
theres only a few ppl who dont complain, and if i had it my way, id make it so they were the only ones that cud talk to me, but i just know these other ppl wud probs find a way to complain to me
grrr, shuttup, get a councillor!!
weds - daytime: was amazing, just me and helen, wlakin round town, drinkin coffee, chattin away, but she had to leave at 2:30 :(
and then theres myspace
all these ppl, 260 "frends"
how mnay talk to me, read my bulletins, even know i exist?!?
and then i get ppl sayin 'add me to MSN' then i do, then we hav a convo
how r u?
im ok, u?
im gud ta
thats great
then they dont talk to me again!!!