Stephenie Meyer wrote a decent novel for adults

Sep 05, 2008 10:47

Who'da thunk it?

I asked my personal librarian to get me The Host, mostly because I'm a completist, I guess.  It does repeat some unfortunate themes from the Twilight series -- our heroine is once again torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool, for example -- but I quite liked it.  It even made me cry.

Then I found out there's a sequel in the works.  Ugh.  I think maybe Stephenie Meyer's biggest problem is she doesn't know when to quit.  That would explain the fucked up ending -- we are all set for a tragically beautiful ending, and then surprise!  the main characters all survive, in the perfect setup for a sequel.  Which I will be forced to read.  Nooooooooooooooo.

Stephenie Meyer would be so much better if her career were tragically cut short.  Which won't happen, for that very reason.  


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