Not all my baggage is emotional

May 28, 2008 11:18

Most.  Not all.

When I first got this job, I was carrying a backpack and a purse most days.  In the interest of streamlining, and not whacking people on the bus with my backpack, I've switched to a messenger bag that can combine both purse and backpack functions.

Here's what I shlepped to work in my bag today:

Gym stuff:  bathing suit, towel, swim cap, goggles, lock
Sustenance:  breakfast, lunch, snack, and 2 liters of filtered water
An umbrella
A library book that needed to be returned
The NY Times book review (for commuter reading)
Purse stuff:  wallet, keys, work ID, transit pass, cell phone, lip balm, hand sanitizer, sunglasses, folding brush and mirror, comb, hand cream, datebook, pens, tampons
My food/exercise/diabetes journal
Flotsam:  Clif bar wrappers, receipts, a small blank notebook, a handkerchief that belongs in the wash

That's pretty standard for a work day.  Gee whiz.

So -- what do you shlep around when you're out in the world? And what do you put it all in?

life, silliness

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