Random pics

Jun 18, 2024 10:05

Last week at work we finished a pretty big project, and since the next one is delayed, I would have almost nothing to do this week... So I decided to take  Monday and Thursday off, 'cause I realized I've only taken 2 paid holidays this year so far t's been continuously busy since January, so there just hasn't been a good time for it @_@

So I did a lot of fun stuff over my "long weekend" and have a lot of pics to go through, but first let's post some random pics from last week that I hadn't gotten around to sharing yet before I start on the new pics ^^;

Last Tuesday I got to see some cute touken danshi on TV! I'd heard that they'd be appearing in some music show (Utacon?) on NHK, which is a pretty big deal since it's national television. But with things like that, they always only announce the start time of the show itself, while the show is about an hour long... So if you only want to see a specific artist, you have no choice but to watch the whole thing... So I wasn't really planning to watch it, but when I turned my TV on out of curiosity, it JUST happened to be when the Touken Ranbu segment started!

They first showed some footage of Suehirogari, while they explained what Touken Danshi were xD They didn't really explain that it's originally from a game though, or what the musicals are about, so if somebody who knows absolutely nothing about it was watching, they'd probably be led to think that it's just this really popular boy band that happens to be called "Touken Danshi", lol. Seeing the drone footage from Suehirogari was cool though - when I was there in the middle of the crowd, I didn't really get an overview of just how huge it was, but... Wow, it was really huge!

Their act for the music show was just a short version of "Viva Carnival", so it was over in less than two minutes ^^; But everyone was really awesome, it was clear that they gave it their best! =D

On a related note, I also had a Toumyu DVD watching party with some friends last week Sunday! They'd been wanting to get into it for a while, and so it seemed like a perfect activity for the rainy season (except that the rainy season STILL hasn't actually started yet, but we didn't know that yet when we planned it ^^;  ) Out of all the DVDs I have, they picked Paraiso to watch first... xD That's one heck of an introduction, but it seems like they really enjoyed it a lot. It was fun hearing their comments and impressions, and interesting how their favorite characters seemed to mirror their preference in Tenipuri characters (of course the friend who likes Kaidou ended up liking Ookurikara ("the tsundere guy") the most, lol xD) Maybe I can drag them with me to the theater next time... >w<

When I went to pick up my friends from the train station on Sunday morning, I had to wait for a couple of minutes until their train arrived, so I checked up on the swallows that are living in the station building.

They've gotten really big! They looked as if they could fledge any minute, 'cause that nest looks way too cramped for all of them...

And when I went to see my friends off in the afternoon, they were gone! There was one still sitting nearby, so maybe they'd only gone out and would be coming back later, but that definitely counts as fledging, doesn't it!

Then this sunday, the cocoon on my balcony hatched~ I didn't see it happen so I still don't know what kind of butterfly it was, but I'll just assume that it's out there in the park somewhere flying happily around =D

On one of my lunch break walks last week I saw a pretty big crab randomly making its way across the road in the forest  =O  It was probably the feistiest-looking crab I've ever seen, haha.

My resting heart rate is going down as the weather has been getting hotter ^^; Wonder if it's related to the weather? Or am I dying??

This Sunday it was so hot that I didn't really go out until the sun already started setting... It was nice for a change of pace though

This huge cactus at the entrance of a nearby temple bloomed =O

Most farmers seem to have finished planting their rice, and it's growing taller already


Sunset over Oyama  *-*

photos, touken ranbu, music, random

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