Happy anniversary.

Feb 28, 2007 23:44

I have had this livejournal for 3 years today. Tonight. Maybe last night. I do not recall. However, when I started it, there was a February 29th. If that means anything. I don't know why it's a however point, but it's in there nonetheless.

THE LAST UPDATE ROBERT. READ THAT REPLY. It's really hilarious. And quite creepy. But that's okay.

I have been sleepy and not hungry lately. And yet I eat so much.. I dunno.

I wanna try to get healthy. And by get healthy, I mean drop 20 or 30 pounds. Then I would be close to healthy. Sort of. I guess.

Graduation is really close. 61 + 20 = 81 days until graduation. like 67 days until Lauren's birthday/THE BEST MOST TRASHED WEEKEND EVER. Or something like that. I dunno. It'll probably suck. Haha. But not her birthday, that will be cool.

Two weeks until Mike's birthday. Two weeks and one day until Taste of Chaos/raping Jared Leto/Bert McCracken.

Like 24 days until the Fashion Show. Ugh. I STILL don't have a fucking partner. Sweet. That would happen to me.

There I go with my negative attitude, blah blah blah. That bitch can be negative all she fucking wants and you fucking empathize, but if I feel a little fucking self-conscious, I get barraded (sp) with criticisms of how I should be more positive. Fuck off. I've been trying to be a little fucking ray of sunshine in your lives, and all you do is give me looks like you can't stand me. You really suck at faking feelings of friendship, so please stop trying.

Well that was random.

My back is itchy.

I think I have a lot of bottled-up hostility and it's all coming out in strange ways. Interesting.

I didn't actually mean to update. So really, I haven't. Heh.

I would like an apple. Or a clementine. Mmmm fruit. I think I may eat some applesauce.

I am done just spitting out random sentences.

I need a scanner. I got my turnabout picture with Mike back, and it's hilarious. Oh yes it is. Everyone wants one, we're just ever-so popular. ::giggles:: I think I may be on crack.

Sleepy-sleep sleep.
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