[Applicaton for XI]

Jun 06, 2010 20:23

NAME: Terra
AGE: 22
EMAIL ADDRESS: terraminuit@yahoo.com
AIM SCREENNAME & MAIN PERSONAL LJ ACCOUNT: terra2point0 | terraminuit
OTHER CHARACTERS: Hinata, Sakura, Matthew, Ruth, Hermione, Menolly


NAME: Koharu Izaki
CODENAME: White Princess
SERIES/SOURCE: Shitsurakuen
AGE: 16
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: Independent: Superhero in New York.

BACKGROUND: Koharu was born into the optimistically named neighborhood of Utopia. The neighborhood was nice on the surface but the Exa Clan had it under it's firm control. Koharu avoided their gaze for most of her childhood and spent most of her free time cooking, sewing, and doing the general girly things. Her mother was a strong believer in knowing one's proper gender role and subscribing to it completely. During the year she turned 13, her looks and kind nature finally attracted the attention of those in charge. Her powers were fairly useless but she made a good trophy for them and it afforded her family some protection.

It wasn't until a few years later that the attention turned her from merely a pretty posession into a potential sex object and one of the elite of the Exa Clan cornered her in the alley. Objecting was impossible, she had to obey, they had complete control over her after all. But at the last moment, a girl swooped in from out nowhere, in true hero fashion, and a fight broke out. Koharu didn't follow much of it at first and only really noticed that the girl had a glove and the ability to form a huge burst of light that apparently knocked out the villian.

Her gratitude overwhelmed her and she ran to the girl who she found later was Sora, and pledged to dedicate herself to Sora. In return Sora pledged to protect her and after that, Koharu rarely left Sora's side. Sora's power made it possible for Koharu to help Sora in a more tangible way, giving her a rifle to fight with. Sora soon wanted to save as many people as she could from the Exa Clan and Koharu quickly made them costumes, barely masking their identities, and they took up codenames and began rescuing anyone they came across.

It was only a little while later that they stumbled upon a girl wandering around, clearly out of place. She was Flonne and she became an irreplacable part of their group. Koharu quickly made her a costume as well and they kept rescuing, sending most of the others they saved to various safehouses.

PERSONALITY: Koharu embodies many of the so-called 'princess' ideals. She's pretty, kind-hearted, mothering, self-sacrificing, somewhat servile and a fairly good cook. While she doesn't trust easily persay, she trusts completely. She has faith in Sora and she takes a lot of her strength from that. She's clearly the type of girl who is destined to be a follower, not a leader. She likes helping others and takes a good measure of her self-worth from that. Her affection for those who help her is clear and she has no qualms about showing that affection. In fact she can be a bit too affectionate at times, but it's all part of her princess-ly charm right?
She's caught up in Sora's quest for justice not because she has the determination to right wrongs, but because Sora does and she believes in Sora and her ideals with all her heart. Since Sora saved her, every action Koharu has taken has to further Sora's ideas and to make life easier for her. Whether that involves looking up things, cooking, cleaning or producing the psychic weapon for Sora when she is fighting, she has devoted herself entirely to her knight and will always defend what Sora does.
This doesn't mean that she won't instruct Sora, more when they were first working out Koharu's weapon and Sora's technique for fighting, but she still gives direction and tries to make sure Sora is hurt as little as possible. She doesn't mind when the psychic backlash hits her though, because the pain is for Sora and can be beared.

APPEARANCE: Koharu has delicate features, long pale blonde hair and large deep purple eyes. She's curvy and busty, while still managing to have that tiny waist. She's very feminine and wears skirts almost exclusively. In other words, she's stereotypical princess in looks as well.

POWERS: She has the fairly useless power being able to heal small wounds and bruises with her saliva. She also makes shoujo sparkles without noticing when the occasion calls for it.

ANYTHING ELSE?: asdkfsaf idek


First-person sample:
I sort of wonder if anyone is actually watching this, technology is so strange. [adjusts her mask and beams at the camera] H-Hello I'm the White Princess, part of the Justice Squad and we are looking for members, heroes who want to join us in saving people from villains! S--The Red Knight is our leader but she asked me to put out a message as well and whatever the Red Knight wants, I am happy to do.

So... [pulls out a paper and glances over it] Mn. Oh right! If you'd like to join us, I will provide you with a costume and if you'd like, some method of concealing your identity. Like my mask right here! And...let's see...well thank you for listening, I hope you're interested!

Third-person sample:

Koharu looked around their home with the air of a queen surveying her kingdom. The clothes were washed and pressed, hanging neatly in the closet. breakfast was on the table and lunchboxes were stacked neatly to one side for midday hero patrols. It was time to check the internet for any replies and then wake up Sora. Anything she could do to help, right?

One quick email check later, she was walking into Sora's room and leaning over her sleeping friend. A quick shake got no reaction so she leaned over and whispered in Sora's ear, perhaps a little too close and a little too affectionate, but she couldn't help it.

"Sora~ Time to get up~" The flailing that got was just too cute and she beamed in reply to the sleepy confusion. Of all the people to save her, Koharu was always thankful it was her.

"Breakfast then patrols? I'll see you in the kitchen then!'

xavier institute

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