
Feb 23, 2010 23:53

1. Koharu has in fact been sexually assaulted and raped, not by Kajiwara, but by another man. She doesn't talk about it, doesn't mention it. She'd never tell anyone because it's in the past. She has brighter futures to look forward to.

2. Koharu does get a little jealous of the other girls, but she understands that monopolizing Sora's affections wouldn't work. She'd be extremely jealous of Tsuki if she knew how close Sora was to her and that Sora considers her her first princess.

3. She likes pretty lingerie and sleeps in short nightgowns and her sheets are usually white or lavender. She prefers skirts, though longer than her uniform skirt, for casual wear. Her shirts tend to the tighter range.

4. She's aware that her body can and will attract attention, but she doesn't intentionally seek it. She likes to look pretty just for the sake of looking pretty. Also for Sora, in vague attempts at seeking her attention, but she's not sure how well that works. Actively pursuing Sora also seems a bit out of reach for her princess ideals, though she flirts as much as she can. Sora is just an oblivious derp.

5. She's not a lesbian, she's really just 'knight'sexual. Which is to say pansexual but with a narrowing on people who are loyal, kind, chivalrous. Who cherish her and love her. She falls for people who treat her like a princess essentially.

6. She likes making bentos that are super cute. Little egg chicks and octupus hotdogs. Onigiri with little faces of seaweed and peices of ham and cheese. The cuter the better really.

7. She wears shorts and tanktops or little sundresses in the summer and her favorite thing to do is go to the beach and play in the water. She doesn't get to go that often anymore because of school.

8. Her favorite food is riceballs with pickled plum. Simple but delicious.

9. Her favorite dessert is dark chocolate pudding with a little lightly sweetened whipped cream on top. She likes sweets but not all the time and not in great quantities.

10. She's a good seamstress because her family did not have very much money. She learned how to make her own clothes and repair her uniforms out of necessity. Cooking just seemed like something good to learn and morphed into something she loves.

headcanon, ooc

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