Tuesday evening, TTS campfire

May 23, 2006 20:24

The joy of laptops was that you really could take them anywhere. Willow was outside her cabin, her precious baby computer resting carefully on her knees. This allowed her to make s'mores by the fire, which was very useful fuel for her current task.

As she was sitting on a lawn chair with her back to the cabin, it would be hard for anyone to see what she was typing.


"Howard," the eager young newspaper reporter said, "we're trapped in this cave!"

"It's worse than you think, Trevor," the dark-haired Marine replied. "The temperatures are dropping below zero. And when I say that I mean using a temperature system that would indicate below zero is very, very cold. Such as Fahrenheit, which was devised by Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit who invented the mercury thermometer."

"You're so smart, Howard," Trevor observed.

"I have to be, Trevor," the tall, older man said. "I'm a Marine. Which means that I serve my country, which is America, to the best of my ability even if I do not always agree with the policies of the government in question. I realize that this may come as a contradiction given that on that day when we were helping Bitter Woman save the world in a disaster that seems to happen every February, I told Cathy Carter, who as we both know is Bitter Woman, that it was my patriotic duty to follow the President of the United States no matter what. However, that one statement was clearly taken out of context and contradicted by the events of two weeks later when I was seen at a funeral not wearing my dress uniform."

"I'm glad you said so, Howard. I suspected that was a protest of some kind," the blond-haired Californian said. Adding, "Dude."

"That it was, Trevor," the Texan told him. "But y'all have always known me better than anyone else. Though I have said that I am in love with Cathy Carter - "

"Who is Bitter Woman, Howard," the Harvard grad pointed out.

"Who is Bitter Woman, Trevor," the muscular man agreed. "Though of course you and I do not say so where others can hear us, because showing any sign of being aware of her secret identity would put her in danger. Which is why we have previously only been seen claiming to not know that there was any similarity between Cathy Carter and Bitter Woman."

"You would think we would notice that all she does is change her glasses, Howard," the younger man stated.

"You would think, Trevor," the former FBI agent concurred. "Still, though I have claimed to have love Cathy Carter who is Bitter Woman, I find that I have so much more in common with you, Trevor, who knows me so well and is not nearly appreciated enough for the efforts you put in to researching for our missions, and who everyone finds to be very attractive, especially because of the birghtly-colored shirts you wear, and because of your love of baked goods which matches my own."

"But, Howard," the five foot, eleven inch man expressed, "didn't you fall into a diabetic coma seven weeks into our second year of working together? Which turned out to be in November?"

"I did, Trevor," the green-shirted man uttered. "But that is why I have noticed you, you who warms my heart in ways nothing south or north of the Mason-Dixon ever could, and your way of being able to have things that I could never have. Things like happiness, book smarts, a close relationship with Cathy Carter's receptionist Francesca Raven DeMille, whose red hair and emerald eyes are as bewitching as her singing voice, and her friendship with you which speaks of a large heart that perhaps implies that you and she are secretly siblings, though I don't know if I would say that for certain as there are some days that I feel the two of you were meant to be together as one true love."

"Oh, Howard," the now standing man articulated, "did you know that she is also a princess? And a witch? And her pet rat sometimes turns into a unicorn which is unspeakably stronger and more powerful than Bitter Woman's pet cat, Fluffykins."

"I wasn't aware witchcraft existed in our universe, Trevor," the short-haired man uttered.

"Francesca has taught me more than I could ever say, Howard," the brown-eyed man pronounced. He reached out to touch Howard on the shoulder. "But as beautiful and intelligent as she is, I've found that my feelings of late have turned towards someone strong. Someone masculine. Someone who I always knew never loved Cathy Carter or Bitter Woman as much as he said, in spite of that time I found him and Bitter Woman kissing during the Vice President's wedding."

"Oh, Trevor," the blue-eyed man sighed, "I was thinking of you the whole time."

"If, Howard, we are trapped," the purple-pantsed younger man communicated, "and it is growing colder, I can think of only one way for us to try to keep warm."


Willow smiled to herself as she wrote and kept on typing.

Yes, in theory she had various forms of research that she'd said she would do, but a girl needed some down time once in a while.

She was also interruptable, if anyone wanted to talk with her.

tim, cordelia, tts campfire, amazing adventures of bitter woman, lyta, writing

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