TTS B-3, Monday night, Emailing Xander

May 22, 2006 22:30

Once more in possession of her teacher, mother, secret lover computer, Willow settled in to her alcove, fired up the laptop, and got to composing.

Subject: Long time no write

Way quiet on this end, I know. I loaned my computer to your boyfriend this boy named Bridge and in spite of what SOME people (cough Tylercough) said Bridge did not booby trap my baby but instead returned it to me safe and sound and dispensing candy! He's also got a robot dog which he really needs to tell people as soon as he introduces himself if you ask me.

So! On to news of Fandom.

My friend Joxer fell down a flight of stairs and ended up in the Clinic for days and days. I stopped by to visit him but I don't know if he noticed.

There's a Jenny Calender here! Which, yipes and large with the awkward. She told me about Angel's curse but how am I supposed to tell her good news, by the way stay away from Angel because if he goes too happy he's going to snap her neck?

On the upside she'll be teaching me about magic.

I made cookies on Saturday which was like putting down catnip for kitties around here. I got to meet Angel's skanky girl.. actually I shouldn't tell you about that and let me cross it out right now. Sam who is a girl and in my Cooking workshop, Draco who is a wizard from Hogwarts, Molly, Jaye (who has the BEST ideas for businesses EVER), Pippi (who taught me that library aides can be bribed with candy!), Walter, and Alanna (who says she has a talking cat!)

My cute friend Dean promised to avenge the honor of my cookies if anyone besmirched them. And my other cute friend Conner was a big doof and burned his hand. There was also a you but let's not get into that right now because weird. Oh, and can you ask Anya if she knows any recipes for cookies with goat's blood?

The other big news of my weekend was the slumber party. I made invitations and got a chance to meet Alec who looks like Dean but isn't related. No, he's not a vampire.

Peter also stopped by. He braved the oceans of glitter and earned himself some computer lessons. He also expressed doubts about my cookies but took it back after he tried one. (I also told him about being a witch, which he took surprisingly well even though I'm not sure if he's totally confortable with witches as a concept.)

Anyway, he bought me a cupcake to apologize. I got to meet his sister who is older than he is in terms of looks but he's actually older than her in terms of birth order. Welcome to Fandom, where the doppelgangers and mutants are the least of the brain-breaky.

Tomorrow we're going to visit the music store to buy music for dryads. In this town? Wouldn't surprise me if there's a section.

And I had my first workshop. I made brownies. I think I could've done better. Peter swore they tasted okay, but he's a knight. He probably has to say that kind of thing. But at least I didn't kill him with nuts! I'm going to call that an accomplishment.

Hope things in Sunnydale are okay. Miss you.



Email done, Willow fired up Google and did a search for, um... research purposes. Yeah. That's the ticket.


jaye, cordelia, not my buffy, email, alanna, lyta, molly, kaylee, bel, sam carter, dean winchester, tts b-3, hermione, conner mcknight, peter pevensie, draco malfoy, macbeth, my xander, linkdrop, bridge, pippi, tyler durden, walter, not my xander, marie

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