001 [text]

Jun 28, 2010 04:18

Could someone please tell me why I'm in a poorly-lit, depressingly squalid dungeon?

If this is a joke, it's really not funny.

cmt: morrigan, cmt: liara t'soni, cmt: kiba inuzuka, cmt: john marston, cmt: nodoka miyazaki, cmt: ayato naoi, cmt: finn hudson, kurt hummel, cmt: emma pillsbury

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Comments 101

[ TEXT ] bullseyebaby June 27 2010, 20:35:20 UTC
lil funny,


[ TEXT ] isfullofennui June 27 2010, 20:47:58 UTC
You're aware we're in the same room, right?

And no, it's not funny at all.


[ TEXT ] bullseyebaby June 27 2010, 20:51:54 UTC

lok att he brite side we aint dead


[text] whatsacliche June 27 2010, 20:36:02 UTC
Do u think ppl will admit it?


[text] isfullofennui June 27 2010, 21:08:57 UTC
Your grasp of the English language is awe-inspiring.


[text unless noted otherwise] whatsacliche June 27 2010, 21:13:10 UTC
Ur face is aw-inspiring.


isfullofennui June 27 2010, 21:17:48 UTC
Are you serious?


[ voice ] dissentive June 27 2010, 21:01:57 UTC
Curious indeed, why are you in such a place?


[ voice ] isfullofennui June 27 2010, 21:05:34 UTC
Did you call me just to repeat my question? Because if you had a point you failed to make it.


[ voice ] dissentive June 27 2010, 21:08:26 UTC
I am merely so curious as to ponder why someone would give a prisoner the device to annoy the rest of us with such drivel.


[ voice ] isfullofennui June 29 2010, 03:52:54 UTC
Well excuse me for bothering you with such an inane request. The next time I'm taken in the dead of night and imprisoned with Texas Jack, Optimus Prime and Mulder I'll make a point not to concern you.


TEXT protheanruins June 27 2010, 21:38:54 UTC
... squalid is rather appropriate here.

I have several theories that remain uncorroborated by evidence, but… in short, no. Unless you have any new information to bring to light?


TEXT FOREVER isfullofennui June 27 2010, 21:51:27 UTC
No. All I know is that I'm stuck in a filthy cell with Marc Jacob's summer collection and my brand new Ferragamo loafers. If they so much as endure one scuff mark I swear whoever's doing this is going to pay for a replacement pair.

What are your theories?


AND EVER AND EVER protheanruins June 27 2010, 22:06:04 UTC
Abduction, but for what purpose would you abduct a group and then give them communications devices? It could be a very well-funded psychological study. Which I'm quite sure I didn't consent to, so that makes it well-funded and profoundly illegal.

That doesn't account for transporting all these people here from different places. Ad times. This, of course, assumes we're all telling the truth.

It could also be a very elaborate hallucination.


isfullofennui June 27 2010, 23:30:45 UTC
So your theories are an alien abduction, an ethically corrupt psychological experiment, we're all liars or we're all high.

You watch a lot of daytime television, don't you?


text libraria June 27 2010, 21:40:02 UTC
There's more of you...? Um, I don't know why you're there, but are you all alright? You're not sick or hurt?


text until otherwise noted isfullofennui June 27 2010, 21:56:29 UTC
There's ten of us where I am.

And other than a collective 'what the hell is going on', I think everyone's fine.


libraria June 27 2010, 22:00:13 UTC
That's good! It'd be terrible if you were sick too. I'm sorry I can't be more help - I don't know where you are or how to find you.


isfullofennui June 27 2010, 23:32:14 UTC
Thanks. I appreciate your concern.

Where are you, exactly?


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