[voice] + e-mail

May 28, 2010 07:53

So the caravan? Pretty cool. The co-ed showers? Seriously not cool.

Have we set up some block of time yet when the guys can use the showers, and another when the girls can? 'Cause we totally should. And if I catch any guys peeping, they'll have to deal with Batgirl's fist to their jaw.


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stephanie brown

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[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 15:23:58 UTC
It occurred to me that perhaps separating the shower rooms by gender on alternating floors would be an acceptable solution. The first floor would be for women, the second for men, and so on. This way there could be no possible mistakes regarding when was the right time to use the showers and it would also be very obvious when someone was in the wrong shower room. I was going to make a post regarding this, but I wanted to let you know that there are others who are not satisfied with this situation.

Also, if I may ask, who is Batgirl?


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 15:47:29 UTC
Yeah, that could work. Unless people are too lazy to walk up or down a floor.

That would be me! The one and only Batgirl.


[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 15:57:39 UTC
Well if they are the sort who would be too lazy to walk or take the elevator then they are also most likely too impatient to want to wait for their allotted time. Someone also volunteered to work on partitions for the shower rooms, though I do not know how long it will take for him to finish.

I see.


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 17:01:50 UTC
That would be awesome! I'd help, but my shop teacher always told me to stick to home ec.

So, since you know who I am, who're you?


[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 17:13:58 UTC
[sob why are all these people saying things he doesn't know about gdi]

Well, I am sure that if he requires any help he will ask for it, he seemed reasonable enough. I am not very adept at physical labor myself so I am grateful that he was willing to help.

My apologies for failing to introduce myself. I am Austria. It is good to speak to you.


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 17:18:15 UTC
[yeah well you're a sentient country so DEAL]

Austria? Like... birthplace of Arnold Schwarzenegger Austria?


[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 17:27:32 UTC
[from the late 1800s no less, and that's not helping matters any]

Who? There is a family from here named Schwarzenegger, but I am not aware of any members named Arnold.


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 17:51:53 UTC
How can you not know him!? The Terminator? Conan the Barbarian? The Governator? He's like the most famous Austrian ever! ...Well, the most famous non-evil Austrian ever.

And hold up. You're named after the country you live in?


[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 17:57:43 UTC
No, none of those sound remotely familiar. And truth be told I am quite glad I do not know of any man that goes by those particular names. And I beg your pardon, I am not known for having evil citizens. [can you hear the indignation in his text? He hopes you can]

Again, no. I am not named after Austria. I am Austria. I already mentioned this. I am the country of Austria.


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 18:03:35 UTC
Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa.

What's that supposed to mean? Like... you're some kinda representation of the country? How does that even work?


[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 18:07:53 UTC
I am an anthropomorphic personification of the people, the land and ideas that make up the nation of Austria. I was born when the nation came into existence and will die when the last of my people are no longer mine. As for how it works, all I know is that it does. I have lived for nearly 900 years now and I know what I am young lady.


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 18:50:30 UTC
Okay, okay, no offense intended. Weirder things have happened, anyway.

I've never been to, uh... you.


[text] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 19:22:44 UTC
None taken, it is simply slightly frustrating having to explain myself multiple times. This never happened at home.

Well I do find it a lovely country, even if I may be accused of a slight bias. Where are you from, if I may ask?


[text] batbombshell May 28 2010, 20:42:55 UTC
Yeah, well, we don't really have anyone... like you at home. Lots of superheroes, but no country-people.

Gotham City, New Jersey, the U.S. of A!


[text] [strikes are so so deleted] von_habsburg May 28 2010, 21:04:35 UTC
Superheroes? I'm afraid I am not aware of what precisely a "superhero" is, but I could make a guess. And you thought I was hard to believe? But I am not aware of any superheroes in my world. Are you one of these then? Or is Batgirl a normal name where you are from?

America hm? He should be somewhere on here actually. If you would like to meet him that is. It has been some time since I visited his home personally, but the countryside was quite lovely, even if the cities were too crowded for my liking. And that idiot wouldn't shut his mouth except to stuff it.


[text] batbombshell May 29 2010, 03:20:21 UTC
A superhero is someone with superpowers that fights evil. Or if they don't have superpowers, they wear a costume and have special skills for fighting crime. And yep, that's me, miss superhero!

So I could... meet my own country? Wow. Should I salute or do the pledge or what?


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