[voice] + e-mail

May 28, 2010 07:53

So the caravan? Pretty cool. The co-ed showers? Seriously not cool.

Have we set up some block of time yet when the guys can use the showers, and another when the girls can? 'Cause we totally should. And if I catch any guys peeping, they'll have to deal with Batgirl's fist to their jaw.


SENDING TO: amaterasu@willaknet.glo

YOUR MESSAGE: Hey, it's your wonderful roommate, Steph! Since we're living together, it's gonna be pretty hard to keep this a secret, so I figured I'd come out and tell you: I'm also Batgirl. Got a costume and fight crime and everything.

So... Can we kinda sorta maybe keep this just between us? Pinky swears?

stephanie brown

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