It's a relief to be able to speak normally again. I'm Blaine, it's nice to meet you all.
Yoite, I bought you a present in the town before we left, and now that's finally your birthday...[Suddenly some loud chirping can be heard and Blaine speaks to the
source of the sound.]...Ssshhh you are going to spoil the surprise.
Can you meet me in the lobby? I
Read more... )
[Total tone change now.]
To think he would take comfort in someobody new so quickly! (Yoite-kun doesn't get along with most people.)
There are so many empty rooms! Certainly I can find you one until Assistant-Simmon-sama can see to it!
My name is Meguro Gau! Pleased to meet you!
I'll definitely help you find Yoite-kun! If it's not a problem to you, I mean! Usually he comes out when I have food for him. I hope he's not sick somewhere again.
I knwo that he is a bit wary around people, but I assure you I have no intention to upset him.
Could you? That would be really helpful, thank you so much.
It's nice to meet you, Gau. Are you two good friends? It looks like you care a lot about him.
He saved my life.
[Hesitant. Because if Blaine asks how, that might get complicated... But if Blaine really does have a present--that little bird he thinks he can hear in the background... If it's something Yoite might actually like...]
I don't mean to pry, but what year is it where you come from? (It's 2006 for me, and for Yoite-kun.)
[His way of figuring out if he could ever mention things about the world of Nabari to you. He might have to if you keep talking to Yoite.]
[He is tempted to ask, but he will maybe once he knows Gau a bit more. Now it will be prying too much.]
It's 2010 for me, but Finn already told me that not everyone here is from the same time line. It's really strange.
Hmm..."like a dream".
Even so, he can't risk it. Not yet. It might ruin the "balance" between the hidden world of ninjitsu and the superficial, surface "outside" world. Even though someone like him got taken in, he can't be sure what Kairoushuu's overall ruling would be on being known to the outside world. Sure their website just makes them look like an organization devoted to the study and history of the ninja world, but...
Maybe...he can make it look like a school club?
Aah, but that might not work, right? He hasn't been in school since he was thirteen...
He's better off just leaving it for now...
Mention of Finn stands out to him, though.]
You met Hudson-san? He's my roommate. Is he ( ... )
Yes, he is from my world but I'm from his future. I've never met him back in my world, but the Kurt I know talked to me about him. He seems like a cool guy.
I am, but I'm half Irish.
Now he knows better.
Granted, the Kairoushu website was bilingual, and Gau knew that in theory, there were people who shared their goals in english-speaking countries, but...
Four years gap. Four years would definitely mean that whatever Mhiaru chose to do as master of the shinrabansho technique to alter reality would ahve already happened, right?
So maybe...?
He takes in Blaine's response with half an eye.]
Oh, so you're Hummel-san's friend? I don't know him very well. Just that he's one of Hudson-san's friends, and matters to him a lot.
[Enough that he'd dress up in a giant pink rabbit suit and publically humiliate himself to try to make restitution to Kurt for something or other that he'd done. Now THAT is a way to meet your roommate. Not that he'd ever mention that.
He decides.]
I didn't know you were ( ... )
I like to think I am, yes. But I didn't had the chance to talk to him yet and maybe the Kurt that lives here doesn't know me. [Which will make him really sad :|]
[Oh goodness...really?]
You are probably right. It's sort of worrisome.
Yes, please. Anything you are willing to share I am interested to hear.
On the other hand, if he tells Blaine about their world truthfully, he might scare him off. And It's not like Gau isn't a little tempted by that idea, either.]
Try to understand.
I don't know much about Yoite-kun. None of us do. He's part of my organization but he doesn't exactly mingle. (You've met him? You'll see what I mean.) But I can probably tell you about his general situation.
The laws of Shugendo are a way to live in harmony with the universe by mastering the elements. Shugendo is fundamental to the learning of Ninjitsu. We're not Yakuza. We're ninja. We follow this path for justice in secret as part of the "hidden world"--the world of Nabari ( ... )
Because he can't help but alienate himself from others that trait becomes his most powerful advantage when it comes to ninjitsu, is that so?
I am trying to understand. [The tea metaphor made sense, but even if broken there must be a way to fix it. Right?] And I believe you. How does ninjitsu work? Any of those techniques implies pointing a finger to someone's face? Because he did that to me for a second when we met.
How can anybody think it's funny to see Yoite sick all the time? That is sick.
Trust me, I can understand loyalty. I respect his decision, even if I wish I could stop his suffering.
How do you get Yoite so well? He's stunned. Maybe thinking of you as a sort of rival is...]
That's right.
I've heard people wondeirng if the chief forced him to learn the technique, but it doesn't seem that way. (I can't believe that of the chief, anyway.)
I'd never thought of it the way you put it, though.
I think...maybe you're right about that.
[Of course that metaphor makes sense. It's not Gau's. It's Hattori's. His chief's. Gau himself doesn't understand a lot of these things, not that he'll ever admit to being anything less than the local expert.]
And just kira uses a finger like that. There are gestures and things for other techniques, but that's the only one I know of that just uses the pointer finger, so it's fast. (I know the spell break technique uses both hands ( ... )
It's a small relief to know that he wasn't forced to choose. Did anybody tell him how strong he is for making that decision?
Spell Break. Duck. I will remember that.
Some people enjoy making fun of others, I know it well. That's why I want to help. Like him, people looked at me like I was sick and I deserved to be miserable.
He's strong for making a decision to die?
I respect Yoite-kun's determination to bring the chief's goals about for the benefit of the world even when it costs him his life, but I know there were other ways to do it, and that he should be puruing getting home a lot more strongly than he is! Rokujo-kun's technique could definitely save him, and he's giving up, and saying dumb things about wanting to disappear instead!
I respect Yoite-kun a lot, but I don't respect his sickening disregard for life, and his apathy! He doesn't have any goals! Without goals, he'd just be wasting all the power he gave up so much for, anyway, and that's not something I can sit by and watch ( ... )
I'm trying to teach him that already!
And you can't just replicate the prime technique that binds the ninja world together! The shinrabansho is a technique born of centuries of research. It's an animate technique with its own personality that possesses a weilder, and if that weilder can use it, they're considered the king of the nabari world.
It has the ability to manipulate all of reality if the weilder wants it to! They can change the past, the present, the future--anything, really!
The last time it was around, ten years ago, there are no records of what happened because everyone forgot everything. It deleted the memories of anyone who was even looking for it! Nobody even knows who the last weilder was because of it!
It's not just something you can find lying around, so he has to get home!
[Wait. Wait. He's replaying that comment because he's sure there's more to it than ( ... )
Can I help you?
In that case, if we can't copy maybe we can find something better. But, all the reality around you? Isn't that problematic for, well, everyone? If someone dangerous learns that technique can destroy the whole humanity. I'm not sure if a single person should have a power that equals him or her to a god.
[Pity he can't see it.]
I like boys, Gau.
[Blaine will put it simply for him. And well maybe Neil isn't the best example ever XD And yes, Neil tried to flirt with Blaine too. really, Gau, REALLY. KURT is pretty obvious himself.]
[He's going to send Gau text with the word 'brave' from post it in Gau's room door. Stupid phones doesn't work.]
No, not anyone, trust me. I've seen how heartless the world can be.
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