It's a relief to be able to speak normally again. I'm Blaine, it's nice to meet you all.
Yoite, I bought you a present in the town before we left, and now that's finally your birthday...[Suddenly some loud chirping can be heard and Blaine speaks to the
source of the sound.]...Ssshhh you are going to spoil the surprise.
Can you meet me in the lobby? I
Read more... )
Now he knows better.
Granted, the Kairoushu website was bilingual, and Gau knew that in theory, there were people who shared their goals in english-speaking countries, but...
Four years gap. Four years would definitely mean that whatever Mhiaru chose to do as master of the shinrabansho technique to alter reality would ahve already happened, right?
So maybe...?
He takes in Blaine's response with half an eye.]
Oh, so you're Hummel-san's friend? I don't know him very well. Just that he's one of Hudson-san's friends, and matters to him a lot.
[Enough that he'd dress up in a giant pink rabbit suit and publically humiliate himself to try to make restitution to Kurt for something or other that he'd done. Now THAT is a way to meet your roommate. Not that he'd ever mention that.
He decides.]
I didn't know you were all from the future, but within four years whatever's happening will probably be different, even if we do happen to live in the same world (?).
So I might be able to explain about Yoite-kun. I don't know a lot about him--nobody really does. But I could try anyway. Would that be helpful?
I like to think I am, yes. But I didn't had the chance to talk to him yet and maybe the Kurt that lives here doesn't know me. [Which will make him really sad :|]
[Oh goodness...really?]
You are probably right. It's sort of worrisome.
Yes, please. Anything you are willing to share I am interested to hear.
On the other hand, if he tells Blaine about their world truthfully, he might scare him off. And It's not like Gau isn't a little tempted by that idea, either.]
Try to understand.
I don't know much about Yoite-kun. None of us do. He's part of my organization but he doesn't exactly mingle. (You've met him? You'll see what I mean.) But I can probably tell you about his general situation.
The laws of Shugendo are a way to live in harmony with the universe by mastering the elements. Shugendo is fundamental to the learning of Ninjitsu. We're not Yakuza. We're ninja. We follow this path for justice in secret as part of the "hidden world"--the world of Nabari.
With Shugendo's elemental techniques, the more burdened you are by wordly desires for good or evil, the less you can do. The more inhuman you become--the more balanced and indifferent--the better you are at commanding nature. (I'm an outsider, so it's different for me. I keep trying, but I'm just no good at ninjitsu, so I have to support my comrades in other ways. None of my family were shinobi, I mean.)
Yoite-kun's very good at ninjitsu. Maybe the best. He's our secret technique master anyway.
In addition to the elemental techniques, and martial maneuvers, each tribe has a forbidden scroll. Elemental techniques are "paid" for with combinations of fuel and other elements, but forbidden techniques are paid for by inflicting damage on the body, the mind, the nerves of the user.
Iga's forbidden scroll is called "Kira", so Yoite-kun is a Kira master.
[A pause as he considers then decides against explaining just what Yoite's technique lets him do. Even if he wants to test Blain out to see if that scares him, to see just how far he'd take this.]
It's like a teacup filled with tea. If you shove it off a table and break it, the tea spills out and stains the carpet, but even if you fix the cup, you've still spilled that tea, right? You can't get the same tea back. That's sort of what's happening with Yoite-kun's lifeforce. Even if he stopped using his technique, he's already broken his lifeforce to use it, and his life will spill out.
Please try to understand that he chose to master that knowing it would kill him.
It's just not easy to explain to other outsiders.
(I KNOW you probably don't believe me. I have a notebook full of proof that the hidden world exists. I could definitely prove it to you!)
That's why he's like he is, anyway.
If you really want to help Yoite-kun, or you think it's funny that he looks so sick all the time, you should know what kind of price he's paying, and for what reason!
Yoite-kun is willing to die in a horribly painful way for his convictions and loyalty to our chief! He's willing to go that far to make the world a better place!
And if you're deceiving him I won't forgive you.
[He doesn't care if his mental picture does make you the size of Finn. He owes Yoite his life. Maybe they couldn't have predicted they'd get taken to another world, but his debt is still just the same. TINY LOUD NERDBOY WILL SHANK YOU FROM BEHIND IF YOU MESS WITH HIS BUDDY, BLAINE. SUPPORTING CHARACTER GIVES NEW DIMENSION TO SUPPORTING~]
Because he can't help but alienate himself from others that trait becomes his most powerful advantage when it comes to ninjitsu, is that so?
I am trying to understand. [The tea metaphor made sense, but even if broken there must be a way to fix it. Right?] And I believe you. How does ninjitsu work? Any of those techniques implies pointing a finger to someone's face? Because he did that to me for a second when we met.
How can anybody think it's funny to see Yoite sick all the time? That is sick.
Trust me, I can understand loyalty. I respect his decision, even if I wish I could stop his suffering.
How do you get Yoite so well? He's stunned. Maybe thinking of you as a sort of rival is...]
That's right.
I've heard people wondeirng if the chief forced him to learn the technique, but it doesn't seem that way. (I can't believe that of the chief, anyway.)
I'd never thought of it the way you put it, though.
I think...maybe you're right about that.
[Of course that metaphor makes sense. It's not Gau's. It's Hattori's. His chief's. Gau himself doesn't understand a lot of these things, not that he'll ever admit to being anything less than the local expert.]
And just kira uses a finger like that. There are gestures and things for other techniques, but that's the only one I know of that just uses the pointer finger, so it's fast. (I know the spell break technique uses both hands.)
If he ever does that again, you should probably duck. It's not nice to see. Unless he uses it to save your life. I didn't see when that was happening.
I think it's sick, too!
I'm relieved!
[He is, too. He's starting to feel a bit better about you, Blaine.]
You want to help him, even though you haven't really met him?
It's a small relief to know that he wasn't forced to choose. Did anybody tell him how strong he is for making that decision?
Spell Break. Duck. I will remember that.
Some people enjoy making fun of others, I know it well. That's why I want to help. Like him, people looked at me like I was sick and I deserved to be miserable.
He's strong for making a decision to die?
I respect Yoite-kun's determination to bring the chief's goals about for the benefit of the world even when it costs him his life, but I know there were other ways to do it, and that he should be puruing getting home a lot more strongly than he is! Rokujo-kun's technique could definitely save him, and he's giving up, and saying dumb things about wanting to disappear instead!
I respect Yoite-kun a lot, but I don't respect his sickening disregard for life, and his apathy! He doesn't have any goals! Without goals, he'd just be wasting all the power he gave up so much for, anyway, and that's not something I can sit by and watch!
You should agree with me!
I know we haven't met. I still respect the way you leapt in to stand up for him the way you did, even if you don't understand.
This might be abolutely out of place, but I can't think of any reason for anyone to look at you like you deserve to be punished for something!
So if it ever happens here, you should definitely let me know!
[Oh the heart of a paladin in the body of a woman-sized, uptight, clumsy little weakling idealist with a temper. But you don't know that yet. Just like he doesn't know you're referring to your sexuality. He's convinced hearing you talk that you're somehow kindred spirits. That you might be someone small and weak, too. And're standing up for Yoite, even with as hesitant as Yoite is at returning kindness.
Great purpose swells on the huge altar to "Justice" in Gau's brain.
And weak as he is, Gau definitely doesn't lack for courage.]
I can't speak for Yoite-kun, but I think what you're doing for him is really moving! So I can definitely stand by you and be your strength in return for what you mean to do for Yoite-kun--no matter how little I can do to repay it.
[I'll save you, princess! XDD]
No, that's not what I meant. I was talking about self sacrifice, not being suicidal. I believe that there's a difference. Dying is one thing, accenting that with dignity is not the same. Is the decision what gives him the control of his own life, even if it's about his own death.
The art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. To me, it looks like Yoite is letting goo too much because he never had much to begging with. Believe that life is worth living and that belief will help create the fact. We should teach him that.
How does Rokujo-kun's technique work? Perhaps we can find something during our travel that allow us to help him like that technique would do.
I respect the way you look out for him and I'm grateful for that.
Some disliked me for a really petty reason, such as who I decide to love or not.
[He's such an adorable little weakling idealist with a temper, Blaine is touched. And well..he knows about Blaine's sexuality now, is not like he hides it.]
You are a really brave man, thank you for your kind words, Gau.
[ Oi,Oi who are you calling princess! X3]
I'm trying to teach him that already!
And you can't just replicate the prime technique that binds the ninja world together! The shinrabansho is a technique born of centuries of research. It's an animate technique with its own personality that possesses a weilder, and if that weilder can use it, they're considered the king of the nabari world.
It has the ability to manipulate all of reality if the weilder wants it to! They can change the past, the present, the future--anything, really!
The last time it was around, ten years ago, there are no records of what happened because everyone forgot everything. It deleted the memories of anyone who was even looking for it! Nobody even knows who the last weilder was because of it!
It's not just something you can find lying around, so he has to get home!
[Wait. Wait. He's replaying that comment because he's sure there's more to it than-
Oh wait.
Bluuuuush. Good thing you can't see.]
So you mean...
You like different types of people (?)
[Man he doesn't know how to ask that any more clearly. He's deeply repressing his (considerable) moments of gay after all. And aside from Neil--who also really doesn't hide it, he doesn't think anyone else is like that on the caravan. Even Kurt. He just thinks he has a high voice. XD
It's not that brave! Anyone would do that! (What's wrong morality where you're from?!)
Can I help you?
In that case, if we can't copy maybe we can find something better. But, all the reality around you? Isn't that problematic for, well, everyone? If someone dangerous learns that technique can destroy the whole humanity. I'm not sure if a single person should have a power that equals him or her to a god.
[Pity he can't see it.]
I like boys, Gau.
[Blaine will put it simply for him. And well maybe Neil isn't the best example ever XD And yes, Neil tried to flirt with Blaine too. really, Gau, REALLY. KURT is pretty obvious himself.]
[He's going to send Gau text with the word 'brave' from post it in Gau's room door. Stupid phones doesn't work.]
No, not anyone, trust me. I've seen how heartless the world can be.
It's fine for someone to have all that power if they're the only one who can handle it, and they're not going to abuse it! Especially if that power's the only way to make things right with the world!
[Gau's pretty idealistic when it comes to the shinrabansho technique. He actually thinks some politicans are okay, too. Enough said, right?
[Rapid deletion as Gau tries to figure out what to say there. Without outing himself, because his fanboying over Raikou is TOTALLY DIFFERENT
AHEM. How would Kurt be obvious if he's only met him on the network? Remember Gau's staying with a person who has pink hair, and he still laments Raikou's possible straightness. And Gau BAKES. And irons stuff. Just because Kurt likes interior decorating and singing like a girl doesn't MEAN anything, right? XDD
Uhm. Gau is Gau. He's...pretty obvious, too.]
Well why should that be a problem?
You don't act much like Neil-san--maybe if you were like him, I could see why people would be mad about it, but you don't seem to be.
It's just stupid for people to get preoccupied with something like that! I mean, as long as you're not ostentatiously obnoxious about it!
Who's been saying things like that HERE?!
[Ostentatiously Obnoxious="Like Neil". Sorry Neil. ^^;;
Who Gau met during a costume swapping event where he was stuck in a catboy suit, and wandered around trying to feed everyone who wanted to stay in their rooms.
Neil rather made an impact on Gau. Particularly since Gau's really steeped in denial about his private bisexual tendencies.
FSSS. I can see that. Gau would get so irritated. He keeps everything so spotless. It would be all "WHERE ARE THESE PAPERS COMING FROM?! HUDSON-SAN!" And then poor Finn wouldn't get any sleep. Again.
When he found out it's Blaine he would give him such an earful. And he would be so red in the face. XDD]
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