[ VOICE ] 01

Nov 09, 2010 02:18

[ There's a brief silence - pardon Carl while he gets used to the junogam - before any noise cuts through. ]

- Hello?

So, uh. I hate to be a nuisance, but if anyone wouldn't mind sharing what's going on, that'd be great. Well, what's going on, and also how to get out of here.

[ Beat. ]

Assuming that's possible, anyway.

[ Another beat. And then he starts rationalizing. Or at least trying to. ]

Although I guess at this point it's more a question of self-preservation than the state of things in Lima.

Still, exposition would be much appreciated.

cmt: raikou shimizu, cmt: burt hummel, cmt: jowan, cmt: brittany pierce, cmt: morgana, cmt: finn hudson, carl howell, cmt: emma pillsbury

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