Nov 09, 2010 00:10
This--there's no way--!
[ Please allow her a moment to hyperventilate quietly. This is what happens when you've returned to fairytale lands with an ogre-pulled caravan. ...Okay, time to be strong! ]
I thought this was over, you know? A bad dream I woke up from and not one I'd return to. I mean, sure, there were some fun times here. Mostly bad times, but some fun times, too. You definitely learn a lot about yourself in this kind of situation. But, um. I'm just--I'm not cut out for public showers again. Or any of the millions of bad things here. So, if it's not too much trouble, let me go back home. Please?
[ There's a pause. She's obviously waiting for that to work. When it doesn't, she gives a small groan. So much for thinking a network post would up her chances of going back to Lima. ]
I'll just...keep waiting, then.
cmt: templeton peck,
cmt: leonard l. church,
cmt: ty lee,
cmt: river song,
emma pillsbury,
cmt: guinevere,
cmt: sasuke uchiha,
cmt: raikou shimizu,
cmt: burt hummel,
cmt: kurt hummel,
cmt: brittany pierce,
cmt: morgana,
cmt: finn hudson,
cmt: gau meguro