Sep 15, 2008 10:20
Feeling ambiguous about today. I've been feeling super low energy lately, a little phlegmy, headachey, body-achey, and no amount of caffeine or water or Vitamin C or protein or whatever seems to help. I stayed home from work on Friday, and sat in bed pretty much the entire day reading a book. I didn't get to bed until 11ish that night, but I slept at least 8 hours, and even though I didn't get to sleep until well after midnight on Saturday, I slept until 10. And last night, I went to bed at 10, and slept until 7AM. So sleep is clearly not the problem.
I've been trying to stack the deck in my favor, doing things to lift my mood. My dogs are both clean, and soft, and snuggly. I'm wearing my over-the-knee brown suede boots. I bought the cutest leopard print bra/pantie set yesterday. I had a pumpkin spice latte instead of plain coffee. I bought a four-pound box of Grapenuts at Costco yesterday, and also a cute little fitted black down puffy vest.
I think I need a new work project. Something big and meaty to sink my teeth into. Everything is being fragmented right now into teeny bits -- is that what it means to be responsible for so many different teams? -- and nothing is taking up enough mindshare to keep me interested.
Even thinking about what to write next in this entry is making me feel sleepy, so I'm going to move along...