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I ansewr my own quiz cos that is only fare will_aurelius March 22 2010, 21:15:12 UTC
Answer all questions honestly cos otherwise this is pointless. Scoring will come after the quiz.

1. You do not have to eat or drink. You are on an expedition with people who do. You have food and water. What do you do with it?

A. Eat/drink it anyway because it is fun, and it is your share.

2. You have a personal dislike or bias of a specific activity. However, you also happen to be the person in the grupe who is best at this activity. If a situation came up in which the grupe wants you to do the activity do you:

C. Reluctantly agree, but only for pay or special favours.

3. It looks as if things are utterly hopeless and there's no way out. Do you:

A. Make jokes about how you're all doomed and probably going to die, whilst getting ready to go down fighting.

4. When it comes to taking orders, do you:

A. Always think you have a better plan than the person giving the order and argue with them.

5. How should important decisions be made out on the job?

A. There shouldn't be any set way to make decisions, cos every situation is unique so people should use different methods at different times.

6. You really don't like one of the people in your grupe because they offend your sensibilities on professional or ethical grounds. Do you:

A. Work with them side by side and treat them like part of the grupe but still insult them and tell them what a git they are.

7. You and your lover happen to work together on the same team. Do you:

B. Listen to your lover's advice more than the actual leader of the grupe, if they are not leader/always think your lover should be leader.

8. You are the grupe leader. Do you:

C. Think of the grupe as a family with you as the head of it, with each person knowing their position and you delegating jobs to them according to their skills and strengths, for their own good.

9. Somebody makes a glaring error in the field. Everything turns out all right, but it could have been a disaster. Do you:

A. Shout at them then and there, as soon as everybody is safe.

10. If you are the one who made the glaring error in question 9 do you:

A. Acknowledge you bollocksed up but say that it's pointless to shout at you for it now and it should wait til you all get out alive and can have your follow up meeting.


A Answers: 1 pt

B Answers: 2 pts

C Answers: 3 pts

D Answers: 4 pts

E Answers: 5 pts

My Score: 15 pts- I am a Selfish Prick.

10-17 pts: Personal freedom and individuality matter a lot to you. You are a bit of a selfish prick. You are an arsehole because you stubbornly hang on to your personal rights even if it isn't the most clever thing to do for the group. However, you are straightforward and you generally aren't actively trying to sabotage people.


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