Life At Morehead

Aug 19, 2007 20:30

Okay, so I've been at Morehead. I moved here Friday and except for having to walk every-freakin-where, It's pretty cool. There have been a lot of things to do, and I've met a lot of people. So here's a break-down of what I've done over the past few days:

Friday-Moved down here abour 2:30 and got settled in. I met my roomates, and they're pretty cool. Went to those required attendance things, and just walked around campus with my roomates and their friends. Not all that eventful, but it was a pretty cool day, nonetheless

Saturday-I got my books and some school supplies, ate, and then went to more required programming. The coolest and best part of the day was when Jud Lappily came and talked to us. That's right, I got to see the Evolution of Dance guy do the dance in person!!!! Then I came back to the dorm, then went and walked around with my roomates again.

Today-I got up about 10:30, showered, studied until about 1:30, went and ate, then went to the music hall to take my placement exams. I didn't do too bad on most of it, I know I did bad on the singing part, and Dr. Detweiler doesn't really like me, so that screws me there. Oh well, I'm switching to sax anyway if I can, so I don't really care if he likes me or not. But other than that, I went to Wal-Mart and got the rest of my stuff for the dorm. Then I just came back, and have been sitting around here.

Well, I'm kinda tired so I think I'll go for now.

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