...Here's another random post. ^^;;
First, the fannish things...
Ancient Egypt
-- I got Box 9 earlier this week. Subbed AE = Very happy fangirl.
-- TK!Bakura and Pharaoh!Atemu...Nothing more needs to be said.
-- I must say, it's very nice to finally have these episodes subbed...I've already seen them raw, but now I actually know what's going on. ^_^;;
-- I cannot for the life of me remember/pronounce/spell the name of Atemu's father. [/random]
-- This box set ended with episode 215...so, there should only be one more, given that YGO ended at episode 224. I wonder how long it'll take them to get it out...I want it! ^_^
-- *Wince* Intro theme is quite annoying.
-- Main character is fairly likeable; he's kinda bouncy and rather cute...almost like Jou.
-- Dude, Yugi grew! When Yuuki (I think that's his name...) ran into him, he slammed right into his chest. And he's kinda Yami-ish now...taller, deeper voice, muscles (!!), more defined jaw line...everything. ^_^ I like. I just wish we'd been able to see more. =P
-- And the winged Kuriboh is just adorable. ^^
-- Fluffy blue haired kid = Extreme cuteness and utterly glompable. ^^ He reminds me of Bakura...Not sure why, but he does.
-- Blonde girl = Kaiba and Jou's love child. XD Seriously! My Puppyshippy tendencies have been validated! *L*
-- Italian teacher = *Shudders* Bad character design and his voice and intonations are horrible.
-- Ending theme is considerably better than opening theme.
-- Yeesh, I've heard this described as being Pokemon/Digimon/Beyblade!cheesy, and I'm somewhat inclined to agree. If they manage to come up with a real plot, then maybe it'll turn out okay. Otherwise...I'm with the rest of the fandom in saying that this probably won't last. I mean, they ditched the entire established cast and seem to be focusing solely on the card game...
...now, the whiny/ranty things.
Grah...I don't want to have this weekend. Can I just skip through to Monday? Never thought I'd say that, but it's true...I have to work for damn near the whole thing (6+ hour shifts on all 3 days), and I am not happy. I mean, I know it could be worse. At least I don't hate my job. Really, I don't. I just hate that lately, between it and schoolwork, I've had very little down time. I need down time to keep myself functioning properly. I swear, they did this to me last weekend, and now again this time, and this one's even worse. I swear, if I'm still functioning physically and/or mentally on Monday, it'll be a miracle. *Grumble*
Meh...There are other things that I need to do tonight, so off I go...