'Cause I'm Bored

Sep 28, 2006 14:45

Ganked from thatonefangirl

When did you first discover Fullmetal Alchemist?
I rented the first disk from Netflix, and was hooked right away. <3

Are you happy you discovered FMA?

Do you consider yourself a fan?
Uh, yeah. "Hooked right away" and all.

Do you recommend the series to other people?
Sort of; I don't have a lot of people that I talk about anime with.

Sub or dub?
Sub all the way!

What do you think of the movie? The OVAs?
I liked the movie, and I actually haven't seen the OVAs yet. I know, I'm a bad Hagaren fangirl. =P

What about the manga? Do you read it?
I love the manga. I'm really loving how the storyline is going in a different direction than the anime; it's so neat!

Which episode is the best?
Erm...I have no idea. XD

Which episode is the worst?
Again, I really don't know. ^^;;

Did you cry at any point in the series/movie/OVA/manga?
No, but then, I almost never cry over TV/movies/etc.

The best opening/ending song?
I love them all!

Who’s your most favorite character?
Um...Ed. And Roy. And Riza. And Havoc. And Scieszka. And Izumi. And Al. And Martel. (Indecisive, aren't I? XD)

Who’s your least favorite character?
Hmm...I'm not really sure, honestly. ^^;;

Which character do you think is the most misunderstood?
Havoc. Everyone sees him as this big loser, but I think he's pretty cool.

Which character is the most under-rated?

Which character has the worst past?
I'd have to say the Elric brothers. Seriously...that's a hell of a past to have, but to have had it happen as young as they were...Yech.

Is Ed actually short?
Yes. He is a tiny, tiny little man. =D

So…do the Homunculi have souls or not?

Do you like Dante?
Eh. Not particularly.

Do you hate Winry?
No. I'm not overly fond of her, but I certainly don't hate her.

What about Rose?
Didn't like Rose. Too damn gullible; plus, overly religious folk (especially when it's taken to a state of willful ignorance) tend to bug me.

Would you go on a date with Havoc?
Yes. I would totally date him; my only problem is, I hate smoking. ^^;; It's a disgusting, filthy habit. =P So, uh...maybe? XD

Do you consider Scar a hero or a villain?
Villain. He's a psycho who kills in the name of religion and vengeance...I mean, I can understand the vengeance part, but that doesn't make it right. And the religion thing is just stupid.

What was your first impression of Armstrong?
...Okaaaaaay. XD

Who’s more disturbed: Envy or Kimbley?
They're both pretty fucked in the head. >_>

Did you like Hughes better after he died?
*Blink* Uh...I liked him alive, thanks.

What about Greed?
I have no particular fondness for Greed, but I didn't hate him, either.

Did you like Pride better before you found out he was a Homunculus?
*Shrugs* I never liked him much, either way.

If you were Roy, would you have killed Winry’s parents under orders?
I honestly don't know. But, I wouldn't have been in the military in the first place, so I wouldn't have to make such a decision.

Was Hohenheim justified in leaving Envy after he created him, or was Dante the better parent?
Erm. Hohenheim and Dante are both excellent examples of people who should never breed. >_> Even if Hohenheim gave us Ed and Al, you see what happened because he wasn't there for them? Yeah, lousy parents, the both of them.

Why does Al wear a loincloth?
Because it's so fashionable! =D

Why does Envy wear a loincloth?
Because he's a copycat. He saw Al's, and had to have one of his own. XD

Did you think Envy was a girl the first time you saw him?
No...I just thought he was really funny looking.

Who’s the best side character? (Present in two episodes or less!)
Martel. (Was she in 2 or less? I have no idea. But she rocked!)

Who’s the most annoying side character?
Basque Gran.

Which characters, if any, do you think are overrated?
Envy. I just don't get the fascination.

Who’s a better Greed: the original, or Ling?
*Shrugs* Either one, really. Ling turning into Greed was a very nice plot twist, though.

Do you forgive Tucker for what he did to Nina?
Am I the only FMA fan in existence who didn't freak out about the Nina thing? I mean, it served to show how fucked up Tucker was, and that was good story. But I never really got upset about Nina. Yeah, there's some sympathy for what happened, but hell, I feel sorry for the dog, too!

Do you forgive Scar?
No. He was taking the law into his own hands, and punishing people who weren't even involved with his personal grudge. If he only went after the alchemists that fought in Ishbal, it would be a little better...still wrong, of course, but at least then he'd be mad at the right people. But he tried to kill Ed, for God's sake. Ed was a little kid during the Ishbal campaign. >_>

Who’s prettier: Lust or Riza?
Riza, definitely. She's got pretty hair and eyes, plus she's competent and badass. =D

Is Gluttony ugly?
Erm. Kinda, I guess...mostly just creepy though. Very creepy.

What’s Dante’s sexual preference?
Anything with a pulse. (Or hell, pulse optional!)

Which character is the best looking?
Ed. And Roy. And Havoc. And Riza. And Scieszka.

Which character is the worst looking?
Basque Gran. Too muscular and that mustache. =P

If you could see one character naked, who would you choose?
Uhm... Roy. And Ed. And maybe Havoc. =D

What’s your favorite pairing(s)?
Roy/Ed is my favorite. I also like Havoc/Hawkeye, Al/Winry, Izumi/Seig, and Hughes/Gracia.

What’s your least favorite pairing(s)?
Ed/Winry, Roy/Riza, Roy/Hughes, Ed/Envy, Scar/Al

What pairing makes the least amount of sense?
Romantic Envy/Ed. *Brainbreaks*

Which is better: FMA yaoi, or FMA yuri?
I prefer yaoi, but what happened to het? Why doesn't anyone think of het?

Do you read/write FMA fanfiction?
Yes, I read a lot of FMA fic. ^_^

Do you look at/draw FMA fanart?
I look at, but I can't draw to save my life. =P

What do you think of FMA Mary Sues?
I don't like any kind of Mary Sues. I don't mind OCs at all, as long as they're well done.

Depends. If the idea's sound, and it's done well, then sure. But you know how rare that is. =P

Depends. I don't generally like the type that take the characters and put them in a totally different setting (i.e, nothing from the series, except basic character personality, remains), but there are a lot of good ones.

Office sex?
Lock the door first. =D

Do you think people write Envy OOC most of the time?
I honestly don't know; I don't read much fic with Envy in it. But I'd imagine that they do. =P

Which is more canon (in the anime): Elricest or EdWin?
Neither one, really. The Elrics are very close, but I just can't see them having an incestuous relationship. That kinda goes for Ed/Winry, too. She's like their sister...plus, she and Ed both have very volatile personalities. I think they'd clash enough that it wouldn't work. Not to mention that she could do some very nasty things to his automail if he pissed her off. XD

Which is more canon (in the anime): Royai or RoyxHughes?
Again, neither one. As devoted to Gracia as Hughes is, I just can't see him with Roy. And I just see Roy and Riza as very close friends; like family, maybe. But not romantically involved.

Would Dante ever open up to anyone?
Uh, no. I doubt it.

Is Envy gay, or would he go with a woman as well?
I rather doubt that Envy has any interest in sex...unless he was using it as a way to hurt someone, then he might do it.

Does Ed really have a crush on Roy?

Does Roy return the feelings?

What is the most plausible (non-canon) het pairing?
Havoc/Hawkeye and Al/Winry. Jean and Riza have enough in common, and I think she's the kind of girl that would be good for Havoc. Al and Winry...I don't know...out of the Elrics, I always thought that Winry would end up with Al. That's just the vibe I got.

The most plausible yaoi pairing?

The most plausible yuri pairing?
I don't really ship any FMA yuri pairings, truthfully. Not opposed to the idea, though.

Can Envy make m-preg work?
DX Bad mental images~! MPREG squicks me immensely, no matter who's involved.

Is HughesxGracia cute?
Yes. Very cute.

Who’s your favorite fanfiction author?
Oh, I have many. sky_dark, velvet_mace, and anax to name a few.

Do you read doujinshi? If so, recommend a good one!
I actually don't really read doujin; just never got into it.

Which is better: non-con or romance?
Romance. Non-con squicks me. =P

Who is the best character to use in pairings?
*Shrugs* I'm pretty monogamous in this fandom; I generally only like each character with one specific partner, so it doesn't really matter.

And the worst?
The Homonculi. I can't see any of them actually having a functioning relationship; it would be lots of mind-fuckery, which I don't care for.

Do you get mad at people who don’t like the same pairings you do?
No; that's just silly. Just don't try to convert me to the love of your pairing (which usually goes against one of my favorites); that does annoy me.

Well, I'm off. Ja~!

fullmetal alchemist, fandom, meme

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