Conversations with Eamonn

Feb 09, 2006 09:32

It was really strange, I just picked up a pen one day and started writing to myself. And you'll never guess who wrote back....ME! Amazing.....

Ok, ever wanted to see batman fight godzilla? Ever wondered who would win in an Ultimate Showdown of all the good and bad guys? Well wonder no more!

Ever just want to be very confused and creeped out? I very seriously think the guy who made this should be submitted for phsycological examination. Again....AAAAAAAAAA! Yuck!

A couple of nights ago I sent a text to mostly everyone in my shattered* phone book.
*Its been losing things from its memory randomly.
The message was "I've been kidnapped by badgers....send help! Preferably the A-Team!!!"

What I got in response was:
Alan O'G: Your one nut job :-)
Dan Quinn: Badger badger badger mushroom mushroom!!! What would murdock say?
*Interesting....what WOULD he say?*
0866023488: Well all I have is the A-Team ring tone...will that do?
Orla: I think I'll let them take you, its for the best
Charlot: Break a stick. Funny who is this?
Sandra: Who is this
John Stafford: Its okay I sent a squadron of hares to help you out

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