(no subject)

Jan 01, 2010 18:51

So yesterday I finally got around to emulating/playing Starforce 2. It might just be the settings on my monitor, but one thing I noticed right away is that the color palatte in this game is so much more.. desaturated than the last one. I say desaturated because I took a color theory class and I like to think I know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I like it so far. Omega calls Geo a wuss a lot. Like a lot a lot. Did they also give me an extra panel when I fight, or am I just imagining things?

I also went throught looking for a new LJ layout yesterday, because I had this idea in my head that if I had a brighter, more cheerul layout, my year in general would be brighter and less terrible than last year's. But in the end I decided to stay with this one because every layout I come across is so pretty but... a lot of them are that kind of white/pale grey scheme and as much as I love them, I can only handle dark layouts. They're just so much easier on the eyes. My sensitive, nearly blind -5.50/-6.00 eyes.

video games, megaman

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