(no subject)

Jun 16, 2006 12:04

From Defective Yeti:

June 15, 2006

Break A Leg!

My favorite aspect of the World Cup is the theatrics. You know, like the way that any two players that pass within 70 ft. of one another will immediately drop to the ground, clutch their right knee, and writhe around in unbearable agony -- and then, five seconds later, and completely irrespective of whether the official calls a foul or not, leap back to their feet and charge back into the action. There is more dramatics in a 90 minute soccer game than an entire season of your local repertoire theater. In the off season I bet these guys supplement their income by going to the local Piggly-Wiggly, pretending to slip on a wet spot on the floor, and doing their "Sweet Jesus I've torn every ligament in my thigh!" routine until the liability lawyers come a-running.

I also love the way how, after the ball goes out-of-bounds or there is foul, each player involved will stop, stare directly at the referee, and act out the call he wants the official to make. And then the ref goes ahead and makes whatever ruling he was going to issue anyway. It's as if every team were made up of the galaxy's most ineffectual Jedis.

I love you, Yeti.

And, because I did it, a quiz:

A - Available: I assume this is in the relationship sense? No.
A - Age: 24
B- Best Friends: Currently I'd say my boy and G&D
B- Beer: Yes please! Um... Sunshine Wheat.
B- Birthday: The 3*7th May
C - Crush: Silly.
C - Car: Silver 2004 CR-V
C - Candy: Chocolate
D - Day or night: Night!
D - Dream Car: I don't have a "dream car". If you're talking about cars in my dreams, well... you never know WHAT that might get you.
D - Dog or cat: Currently want dog more, but like both.
E - Earliest time you woke up: How does one answer this? I've gotten onto schedules when I can't even be sure what day it is without looking it up.
E - Easiest person to talk to: Adri
E - Eggnog: Yes!
F - Favorite Month: October?
F - Favorite color: Green.
F - Favorite Memory: First date with my boy.
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms.
G - Giver or taker: Depends on my mood.
G - Gum: I rarely chew it these days. Once upon a time I loved Cinn-A-Burst and any bubble gum that was disgustingly multi-flavored or sweet. No more.
H - Hair Color: Dyed to my natural color, but with a slightly foreign sheen. Odd how that worked out. It reacts differently in different lights than my natural color does, though.
H - Height: 5'11"
H - Happy: Enough.
I - Ice Cream: Favorite: That's tough to answer. Maybe Mint Chocolate Chip? Current flavor in my freezer: Strawberry Cheesecake. HEB makes a damn good ice cream!
I - Instrument: Piano, voice.
I - Idol: n/a
J - Jewelry: I used to wear a watch, a ring, a bracelet, a necklace/choker, or some combination thereof. I rarely do anymore.
J - Job: Officially, circuit designer. More accurately, I do circuit design enough to pull a small chunk of the weight while otherwise dealing with tools issues.
J - Jail: Never been.
K - Kids: Nice to visit. For small, Small, SMALL periods of time.
K - Kickboxing or karate: I wish I knew karate.
K - Kindergarten: I loved to play with blocks. I had a best friend whom I often played blocks with, Michael Delaney. We both had worst enemies who were best friends with each other. But later both he and I became best friends with each other's worst enemy and therefore became each other's ultimate nemesis. The funniest part of this all is that I have NO IDEA HOW IT HAPPENED. It's also some of my earliest memories, though they're fuzzy at best.
L - Longest Car Ride: Driving (!) with my mother from Houston to Upstate NY
L - Last Kiss: Not for public consumption.
M - Milk flavor: Skim. Chocolate's awesome, but not frequently consumed by me.
M - Most missed person: My boy.
M - Movie Last Watched: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
N - Number of Tattoos: Nada.
N - Name: Andrew Engroff
O - One wish: I don't really do the wish thing, because either you're selfish or you're uncreative (i.e. you go the "billion dollars" route or the "world peace" route). Therefore, stupid question.
O - One Phobia: Large crowds speaking in unison.
O - One Regret: Because I try not to regret anything major, I'll answer that I regret trying to finisht that delicious cinnamon roll in one sitting when I could have enjoyed it on two separate days.
P - Pet Peeves: One word: STUPIDITY. This encompasses most of them, including blatant misuse of the English language, bad drivers, current U.S. politics, and so on.
P - Part of your appearance you like best: Hmm. Eyes?
P - Part of your personality you like best: Friendliness.
Q - Quote: My old standby ran out of gas. I need a new quote.
Q - Quick or Slow: For most things, quick. I can be extremely impatient.
R - Reason to smile: I walked outside today and it just felt good. It was very warm, and I happened to think of the fact that I went to school down here to be warm, and that reminded me of nice days back home, and the sun, and lifeguarding, and it was just nice all around.
R - Reality TV Show: I guess Amazing Race, though I don't really watch TV.
R - Reasons to cry: Release. Usually stress/emotions build up for stupid reasons, and crying is a good way to let go of silly things that you can't let go of otherwise despite knowing they're silly.
S - Song Last Heard: Whatever's after Ani DiFranco - "As Is" on one of Austin's mix CDs. I can't remember now what was playing when I got out of the car.
S - Season: Fall.
S - Shoes: The last 3 pairs I bought were all Sketchers, though I didn't do that purposely. So I guess I like Sketchers!
T - Time you woke: 9:05am. I stayed up late (too much caffeine!) and didn't need to shower.
T- Time now: 5:04pm
T- Time for bed: Any time is a good time for bed! But I usually don't make it there until between 1 and 2 because I get involved in other fun stuff.
U - U love someone: What the...? U love someone?! This quiz just took a turn for the making-me-stabby. Yes yes, I love Jason, but I think that's already well established.
U - Unpredictable: My moods. And when I'll laugh ;)
U - Underwear: Cotton boxers, mostly black with red, white and yellow plaid pattern.
V- Vegetable you hate: Cucumbers.
V- Vegetable you love: Broccoli.
V- Vacation spot: We're trying to get ourselves up to Canada at some point soon...
W- Worst Habits: Cracking joints, wasting time on the net.
W- Where are you going to travel next: Not sure. Probably Houston or Corpus.
W- Weather right now: Hot, but nice.
X - X-Ray: Teeth, left knee.
X - X-tra special someone: My boy. Getting repetative here.
Y - Year you were born: 1982
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: An okay color, but by no means my favorite.
Z - Zoo Animal: Erm... lots of them! Probably wolves, except that I dislike the fact that they're caged up--even moreso than I do with most animals.
Z - Zodiac: Taurus/Gemini cusp.
Z - Zoolander: Was a mildly amusing movie.

quiz, dy, quote

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