From Bridonna via
rowanne(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the opposite sex
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex
(x) Slept for more than 12 hours
(x) Missed a week of school or more [in college]
(x) Put chapstick on more than 5 times in an hour
(x) Kissed more than one person in a day
(x) Kissed more than two people in a day
( ) Eaten a worm
(x) Jumped on a trampoline
( ) Ridden a unicycle
(x) Done something special for someone else
( ) Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant
(x) Paid more than $50 for food at a fast food resturant [not all for myself]
( ) Got caught for cheating on a test
(x) Talked on the phone while going to the bathroom
(x) Brushed your teeth while on the phone
( ) Worked in fast food
(x) Written a poem
( ) Randomly called people out of a phone book
( ) Been on a yacht
(X) Put bananas in your cheerios
(x) Lied to a friend to make them feel better
(x) Dated someone more than 2 years older than you [to me, going on a date counts as having "dated", but this was not a regular thing]
(x) Eaten frosting out of the original container [cream cheese... mmm.....]
(x) Fallen in public
(x) Had your pants rip
(x) Recently had a PB&J sandwich
( ) Met your principals parents [um... what?]
(x) Killed an animal [flies are animals. this is a dumb question unless it's more specific. i felt bad about killing a very large but innocent cricket...]
( ) Been prescribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor [not at the same time, anyway]
( ) Wished you were an only child
( ) Used your friends razor with out them knowing
(x) Been unproud of a decision you made [unproud? who wrote this? i don't dispute that it's a word, but really...]
( ) Worked for a family member
(x) Been told you were too young [for what? for dating, no. for all kinds of things while growing up, yes. you get that a lot when you're very much younger than your siblings.]
(x) Made out in a car
(x) Kissed a friend, then their best friend [i think...]
(x) Been to a concert
(x) Gotten away with a lie to your parents
( ) Been dumped the night of a dance and left with out a date
(x) Been cheated on
( ) Gone out with a person one of your parents set you up with [um... no.]
(x) Hate to admit you are wrong
( ) Ridden on a shopping cart in a Safeway [that's rather specific, there...]
( ) danced in a Mini Mart
( ) Went into a mini mart in socks/slippers
(x) worn a tiara [i'm sure i have at some point in my life, even for just a second]
(x) Been in a play
(x) Gone to church more than 2 times in a week [but not regularly]
( ) Copied more than 30 CD's in a day
(x) Made a movie [filmed self and a couple others being nutcases for 10 minutes...]
(x) Dressed "gothic" [Ahh... Philharmonics + Gillis/Camacho Study Break = crazy fun]
(x) Worn 5 or more layers of clothing
( ) Had a stalker
(x) Been to California
( ) Lived on a house boat
( ) Swam in clear blue water
( ) Sat in a doctors office with a friend
( ) Ran across 6 lanes of traffic
(x) Made fish lips
(x) Hit on a waitress/waiter [probably not blatently, though]
( ) Taken pictures with a stranger [not a total stranger, no]
(x) Been to Busch Gardens [in Tampa and Williamsburg, in fact]
(x) Made a public speech [how public? in speech class...]
( ) Been on cable television
( ) Coreographed a dance [helped do so, but not on my own]
(x) Felt used
(x) Made a smoothie or milkshake
(x) Had fun at work/school
(x) watched Desperate Housewives
(x) Watched a movie so often you could quote every word
( ) Listened to an old NSYNC or Backstreet Boys CD more than once [don't have one, but i bet i would :-P]
(x) Kept something from a past relationship
(x) Given someone else flowers
(x) Taken a foreign language
(x) Gotten to school at 6:15 in the morning.
( ) Not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
(x) Laughed for no apparent reason
(x) Wanted to meet somone you met online in person
Okay, that wasn't a very good one, but what can I say? I'm addicted to quizzes.
Second, meme. I didn't do this last time it rolled around, so I am now:
Andrew is kind enough...
Andrew is a loony.
yup, they hit that one square on the head...
Saint Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland.
Andrew ... is a staff writer for the Times.
i am? guess this blog's more popular than i thought. where's my royalties?
Andrew is becoming successful in America...
well, maybe. slowly.
Andrew is advising the government and the private sector...
gosh, i'm important!
Andrew is a secondary school teacher ... Andrew is from South Africa
neither of which was i aware of. have i been sleeping? have i slept?
"Andrew" ... is an integrated set of tools...
miriam's a cyborg, i'm apparently software.
Andrew is responsible for one of the major policy areas of the government...
...Andrew is revealed to not be the father of some woman's child and he starts dancing.
you bet your ass i'm no father!
Well, lots of "Saint Andrew" references, which I guess isn't surprising. And then just random people named Andrew. I'm surprised there wasn't a prominent result for the Andrew Corporation. The "is" throws it off, I guess.
Third: Okay, so "kaj plii" means "and more", so here's the "more". I hosted game night last night, and it went really well! I thought so, anyway. We had in attendance, in order of appearance, myself, Allister, Greg & David, Doug & Teresa (and Lucas), Jonathan, Kyle & Erin, and Christi & David. I think I got that order right.
Anyway, we played Guillotine, which I liked a lot this time. Last time I wasn't so thrilled, even though I think I won. Then some other people played Settlers of Catan (which took a long time, supposedly because people were learning it) while we played Zigity ("Cranium does Uno", as Erin said... it was a fun short game), and then... did we play anything else, or just talk? I had a nice conversation with David V. about family and such, spurred by describing my trip over the past weekend.
So yeah, it went well. I have lots of Oreos left over, and a fair amount of pink lemonade (at least it doesn't go bad quickly) and I'd better eat some chips and salsa. The peanut butter m&ms I'm not too worried about, except the effect that they'll have on my weight. Oh, and there's a lot of sugared soda in the fridge which doesn't help either, heh. But that's okay, I can have a little bit at a time. Exercise a little self control. Yes, I do have some of that... just not much.
And that's that. No other news that I can think of. My boss is back at work today, though it doesn't have all that much effect on me right now. I got to ask him a couple questions, and he learned that I helped the new person in the group (Florence). Which is good. Okay, I'm done now. Later, y'all!