I'm #10 on today's
Quiddler Top 10 :)
So, my trip to Maryland was actually pretty good. I got to see my grandparents who, despite having trouble moving around and my grandmother's being on a lot of oxygen, both still look quite good. Which is definitely something, given my grandmother recently turned 86 and my grandfather's going to be 90. And they weren't as annoying as I remembered. I just avoided talking about... well, much of anything. Except how work was going, how my apartment and car are, and game night (since that's pretty innocuous). And I got to see my parents, which is really nice when it's a short duration. This was only 2 days, and while they irked me a bit, it didn't grate on me since I knew it was only 2 days. It amazes me how much trouble they have with some things, how much my mom repeats herself, how you can tell my dad something and he'll act like he hears it but two seconds later ask a question including information I'd just given. Typical guy, I guess :-P It's kinda sad, though, and a little scary. There's doing, to a small degree, what they're talking about my grandparents doing. Forgetting things, getting confused, having a tough time absorbing things that should be simple or intuitive (operating electronics, remembering proper directions even given written cues)... they're getting old too. I don't want to end up like that, but I almost surely will. Most people do, if they don't die somewhat young, though some remain lucid into old age. Remind me to do things to keep my mind sharp, and keep up with new technology!
Anyway. All that aside. Um... the flights there were perfectly fine. I was reassigned to American because Atlanta was having bad weather and I would probably have missed my connection. I went through DFW instead. As an aside, I like that airport... but their signage lies! At least in one place. I was going to gate A17 and I could see two signs pointing in different directions from where I was standing, one saying gates A16-A28 and one saying gates A1-A28. One of them was just plain wrong and sent me up to the monorail thing and back down to a place I'd already been, effectively making me go in circles. Kinda frustrating, but at least it didn't make me miss my flight!
The flights back... different story. The flights themselves weren't terrible... late, which made me worry I'd miss my connection (through Atlanta, for real this time), but not terrible. They were supposed to be 8:00-10:05 and 10:28-11:44. The first ended up being 8:15-10:35, but the second was also delayed to 11something-12:35. I didn't enjoy them, though. I was next to the engine for both of them, for one. Both MD-88s :-/ Oh well.
So then... I got home, played a very small bit of WoW to feel like I had half an hour of time to myself this weekend, then went to bed. And woke up. And now I'm at work. So exciting, huh? Tonight I play some FFX2 with G&D, which is nice since I haven't hung out with them in what seems like forever, what with weekends being busy and ASMC going on. And I clean, since I'm hosting game night tomorrow. Yay! I'll let y'all know how that goes. That's wraps it up for now, then. Ta!