May 03, 2005 18:57
so I don't think I'll be taking that May term course I had planned to. I had fully intended to take it (and still might) but I believe it will be cancelled. There are only 2 other people signed up for it as of now and the course is supposed to start on the 16th.
I'll be working full time starting the week after next. This means I'll have hardly any free time, but it also means about $1500 a month. I'm moving out as soon as I possibly can. I can't stand living here. At all. Plus my life is in the Farmington area (and will be even more in a couple weeks)so I should be living out there.
Drake and I are dating now. There are some people who are not happy about this, but those people don't know the whole situation. Who knows if they would feel the same way if they did, but honestly I don't care. I do care how my friends feel, but it's not going to change things. So far only one friend knows the whole situation anyway, and she seems to be supportive of it. It is a messed up situation, and it's really no one's business except those involved. All that matters is that we're both happier now, and that the one opinion that mattered to us both is in our favor.
In that deleted journal entry I had written some important and personal things, and have decided I'm actually kind of glad it got deleted. I think all I really needed was to get it off my chest, and writing it did that for me. All I have to say is that I fully admitted to making some bad choices, and I feel I have changed for the better.