May 01, 2009 13:12
With Eric having lost SO much weight (and looking mighty damn delicious, especially at the beach), it made me want to start taking better care of myself as well. So I started with eatting better, smoking less, running/walking, and yoga. Unfortunately, there is a lot less running/walking than I would like, but everything has to start somewhere.
Now, I have done yoga in the past, but I've never been to a point where I felt as if I were practicing regularly. I would always get discouraged and quit because I always felt like I was out of breath and extremely sore by the end of any session. Despite that, though, I figured I would give it another shot, and bought a beginners yoga DVD. This has been the most helpful because everytime I finish it, I always feel so relaxed and stretched and healthy. In fact, it has been very motivating in that it makes me feel like I will be able to run.
Yesterday was actually the first time I completed the entire DVD yoga sequence. Normally, I would only get through about half and then call it quits because I was too tired, so I definitely feel like I accomplished something last night. Also, I feel as if it makes me more able and willing to be sexual. Whenever I complete a yoga practice, I feel as if I'm very flexible and that makes me feel sexy. We know where it goes from there ;).
Despite all of the benefits of yoga and how much I like it, I believe I need to be adding more to my workouts. Yoga is great, but it's not going to be the best way for me to lose weight, because it will not give me the cardio work-out that's needed to lose weight. Of course, during summer, I have one PE class during May and another during June and July. Besides that though, I'm thinking that pilates might be a great additive whenever I decide to work out at home. Plus, I just need to run more, no matter how much I don't like it. Oh well.
So yes, that's where I am right now. It feels good to be focusing on something other than my own grief. Naturally, dealing with a death is easier with time, but still. Mother's Day is coming up soon. I believe it will get better though. I feel as if I am on the right track now, which is really good. Plus, this semester is about 5 days from being over. Whatever grades I end up with, which I assume should be 1 'A', 1 'B', 1 'C' and 1 'D', it's OVER. I get to start from scratch and start feeling awesome about myself again.