The new season of
The L Word came on today. I am so excited.
It's one of my favorite shows now. I love all the different characters. They've all got so many flaws and to see how they struggle through relationships with them...just interesting.
I hope that everything works out for their characters! Bette is my favorite though. Plus, she's the prettiest. Shane is a pimp and I'm hoping that Alice and Tasha can make it work. They're so different but I think it could work if they try hard enough.
Oh and the nair thing worked out okay so far. I won't figure out if I've got scabs until tomorrow, but I'm not thinking I will have any. I'm wondering if it will hurt my bikini line. Hmmm...experiement? Especially since it's not meant to be used on the face.
But anyway. I'm out. As I said earlier, I will let everyone know about school tomorrow. Toodles*~