One Year From TODAY, I Will Be 20.

Aug 29, 2007 21:28

So my birthday has come and it is slowly dying down. Overall it was a very nice birthday, one of the better ones I've had in a long time. Since I had already had a big birthday party, my family was as I expected, laid back about it but still warm. I was actually suprised when while waiting in the car during the ride to school my dad presented me with a bag. Inside were 2 chocolate colored boxes with a beautiful jade necklace in one and a silver charm braclet in the other. They were simply breathtaking, I have to make the braclet enlarged since it is too small for my wrist. Hehe.

When I got to school I settled at a table near my class and started about going over my homework answers, just to make sure I was doing them right, I was approached by this girl/young woman. We got to talking and she's really nice. Her name is Jennifer and we had a lot of things in common except she's married and I am not.

Classes went by dull. That is until lunch with Anthony. He gave me my birthday gift which included 2 burned Cds and a Heroes necklace with the symbol from the show. It was the coolest thing ever!! I can't wait to wear it. And all this came in a cool bag with even cooler wrapping paper. :) We played dominoes for awhile where I sufficiently kicked his ass because I am one with the dominoes. Adrian also text messaged me, it turns out he wanted to bring cupcakes to the school but couldn't find a ride. He's going to take me to Red Lobster, which is so much better if you ask me.

In Spanish class I made friends with three boys, amazing I know. I am totally skilled. The first one's name was Chase, who sits on the left of me, and we bonded over the fact that our teacher profesora is completely loca. We talked and he's so cool. The next one actually sits on the left of Chase and his name is Ryan, we bonded when we had to introduce ourselves to each other and I made a joke that one of the posters that our profesora has looks like the KFC guy. We laughed, we talked. It was good.

The third one, and prolly the most important one, is named Nick. We ended up sitting next to each other during the lab for spanish in the language lab. I was having problems with the volume and he helped me. Then we just started talking for the whole hour and we even finished our assignment at the same time. We even talked our  way out of the building. He is 22, attends UNT and likes to make videos and puts them on his PSP. Sounds familiar? Yup, and he's asian as well. De ja vu anyone? LOL.

I have to go soon but I want to talk about school but I will wait til the end of the week for that. But before I leave I have to do this meme. I've done it before but I wanted to do it again and so
koyangineko supplied me with it.

List ten songs with the letter given, mine was L.

La Tormenta 2004 - Arashi

Lai Lai Lai - Arashi

Les Choristes - Petits Chanteurs de Saint Marc

Let Go - Frou Frou

Libera - Libera

Lie - Big Bang

Like This - Kelly Rowland ft. Eve

Loose Ends - Imogen Heap

Love Mode - Clazziquai ft. Tablo

Love Shack - B'52s

Hasta Luego!!

anthony, birthday, friends, meme, boys

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