Sep 09, 2007 14:54
As busy as I've been this weekend, it's been a fairly slow one. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it doesn't make sense to me.
Yesterday...clean, clean, clean, take A to the festival, clean, clean...then it was mid-afternoon. Spent much of it trying to calm down, with not a lot of success. I got good and frustrated with my sewing machine (I broke a needle, then I couldn't keep the new needle threaded for ANYTHING) and very nearly threw it out the window. I said it yesterday, I'll say it again...I'm not sure what made me think I could do it. Bah.
Only other thing about yesterday was I broke out my dehydrator for the first time. I loaded it with:
-3 pounds bananas
-2 pounds grapes
-1 pound mixed berries
-1 pound blueberries
-1 pound pineapple
-4 pounds peaches
The peaches, the pineapples, the bananas...they all turned out fabulous. The time, they'll be fruit roll-up type things. The grapes are not yet done.
My next chance at using it will be more for vegetables...onions, celery, jalapeños, green onions, etc. Especially green onions...every time I need them, I have to buy them, because the ones that I had have started to melt. Ugh.
Suggestions from people who dehydrate things, I welcome them. Suggest mushrooms and I'll beat you with a stuffed penguin.
Also, I have started training for a Cooper Fitness assessment. NOT looking forward to it, the push-ups will be my downfall. Other than that, at least I'll get a good overall idea of just how unhealthy I really am.