Nov 23, 2006 23:41
I think teusday was prolly the best day ever.
1. It was the last day of school because of thanks giving break
2. Dana got kicked outta Daniella's house over the weekend and isn't allowed back according to her dad but i know her mom is gonna say otherwise.
3. She wasn't in school for the rest of the week.
4. Kyle came down from college.
5. I saw wesly that day.
6. Most of the people met at my apartment
7. Me, Kyle, Kt, Rick, Mike, John, Marcy, and unfortunately Marcy's boyfriend Matt (who randomly showed up) went to Mongolian BBQ
8. I've never been there and i actually liked what i made
9. We had a lot fun there
10. Afterwards we went back to kyle's
11. I got to ride in kyle's friend's truck which was ausome.
12. lol mike was doin like 70 down gratoit and he started racing against john.
13. We went to block buster and got accepted and MI 2
14. When we got back to the car John was hiding in the back seat and scared me lol.
15. We went back to Kyle's and John showed up late and when he came he was all dissapointed because he thought for sure someone would be in the drive way trying to scare him but no one was there. He flipped out lol.
16. Me and Mike played 9 ball (pool) and he won the 1st game and i won the next 2 so i won. Most of the shots i made he thought i would totally miss but i didn't.
17. John, Kyle, and Mike started playing competatively at pool and then poker because the winner would get to drive me home lmfao.
18. All of the Mike got really good and he made like every shot one after the other. they were all playing 3 way. kinda funny how all of the sudden he got real good when there was competition involved lol.
19. They decided to play strip poker and at the time rick and kt were still at her house getting her stuff and because mike won so quickly they wanted to play another game so they played strip poker and they wanted me to play and i dont know how to play poker.
20. I didn't play but when kt and rick finally showed up they decided to have us 3 represent the players so if they lost a game the person that was representing them would have to be the one's to strip lol.
21. I represented Kyle, Rick represented John, and Kt represented Mike.
22. Kyle was very good and only lost like twice so i only had to take off my sweater and socks lol.
23. Mike was apparently screwin Kt over and she had to take off her sweater and pants and came out in a blanket lol.
24. Me and Kt decided to play our own game of strip speed and when they guys came in to tell us i had to take somethin off they got all excited cuz of what me and Kt were doin lol. that was when i took off my socks.
25. I went and took all of John's change that he left on the ping pong table and hid it and he never noticed what i was doing.
26. lol when kyle, mike and john were still competing to take me home rick showed up and told them that he was taking me home becuz kt was spending the night at my house and they got all disapointed lol.
27. I got invited to come back to kyle's on friday.
28. After all the me and kt went back to my house and had hott lesbien sex. lol jp jp :p
29. It was a very fun night.
30. Mike says he still owes me a ride home.
much love,
J e n n a