Recs - SPN

Jul 02, 2010 18:53

Recs! Haven't had any for a while.



Wherefore the Elephant Toaster?, by lassiterfics
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel
Rating: H for fruit bowl, warning: dadaism
Teaser: "Wattle thesis!" Dean snaps. "Jersey cake my fallopian, the chimney boobie fruit--" He cuts himself off, glaring straight ahead, and Sam watches his jaw clench and unclench.
Notes: Just... hilarious.

The Girlfriend Experience, by
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC17
Teaser: "Well if human penises weren't so unruly, we wouldn't have to!" Cas yells back, red cheeked and belligerent. "I was so distracted by its tumescence earlier today I could barely function!"
Notes: Heee. Funny and hot.



You're the storm that I believe in, by
Character: Merlin
Rating: SFW
Notes: Merlin! In armour!


Learning Curve, by shirozora
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: SFW
Notes: Pretty!

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merlin, supernatural, recs, sam, merlin (bbc), castiel, dean

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