TF: Custom: Advantages and Interrogation

Nov 05, 2011 23:27

Rating: NC-17
Series: G1
Pairings: Inferno/Smokescreen
Summary: Smokescreen is determined to have a little ‘chat’ with Inferno.  And if it turns into more than a chat?  Well, Smokescreen’s certainly not going to complain.
Warnings: Sticky
Disclaimer: As per usual, the good things in life are not mine to have, but belong to someone else... in this case Hasbro, Takara and IDW and anyone else I’ve forgotten…
Authors Notes: For the tf_rare_pairing weekly prompt (Resurrection Sunday) - Inferno/Smokescreen "since the beginning".  Yeah, it’s more Custom ‘verse.
Feedback makes friends.  Flames dealt with by the masters of paranoia and fire, Red Alert and Inferno.

Smokescreen wasn’t stupid.  He’d seen the way Inferno looked at Red Alert.  He’d also seen the way that Red Alert looked at Inferno.  He watched, waiting for the relationship he knew was going to happen to happen.

But it didn’t.

And Smokescreen was keen to find out.  Not to mention take advantage of Inferno’s… generous… nature.

“So, you can tell me… how long have you liked Red Alert?” Smokescreen took a sip from one of the cubes of high grade he’d managed to acquire.
“Forward, ain’t ya?” Inferno grinned.  “Not that I’m complainin’ mind ya.  An’ I’ve liked him since the beginning.” He shrugged, as if it was obvious.  Which to the right mechs, it was.
“Ya know how ya meet a mech an’ just know he’s the right one fer ya?” Smokescreen shook his head.  He hadn’t met anyone that he could say that about.
“Well, yer spark just tells ya that he’s the one fer ya.  That’s what mine did with Red.”
“So why haven’t you made a move yet?” It was unlike Inferno to hold back like this.  Inferno shrugged again.
“I ain’t sure.  Don’t wanna rush him.  I mean, come on, big mech like me tryin’ ta come onta a small mech like him?”
“Some mechs prefer their partners to be larger.” Smokescreen pointed out, shooting Inferno a coy look.
“Oh yeah?” Inferno’s grin widened.
“Yeah…” Smokescreen leant forward, letting his wings flutter teasingly.  He smiled as Inferno’s optics were drawn to them.

“Oh frag yes!” Smokescreen cried out as Inferno’s fingers stretched him wide.  Inferno’s frame was a heavy welcome weight over his, and he arched up, trying to force Inferno’s fingers deeper.  He was more than ready for it; could feel he was ready for it, the way lubricant welled out of his valve, coating Inferno’s fingers and his thighs.  He whined when Inferno removed his fingers and sat back.

“Ya ain’t quite ready fer me yet.” He murmured, stroking down Smokescreen’s side as he let his own panel slide out and allowed his spike to pressurise.  Smokescreen was sure his optics widened at the sight of it.  Inferno was certainly well proportioned.
“Primus.” He breathed out, reaching for Inferno’s spike automatically.  Inferno groaned as Smokescreen’s fingers closed around his spike.
“Oh yeah.” He maneuvered them so he still had access to Smokescreen’s valve while allowing Smokescreen to play with his spike.  He groaned as wet heat enveloped his spike.  Smokescreen couldn’t take all of him in his mouth, but he was giving it a damned good try and it felt delightful.  He let himself enjoy the sensations before he concentrated on Smokescreen’s valve again.  The door-winged mech was tight, which although it wasn’t a problem, it meant that plenty of time had to be spent on preparation.  Inferno certainly wasn’t complaining about that; the noises he had wrung from Smokescreen earlier had been wonderful.

Smokescreen groaned around Inferno’s spike as the mech’s glossa lapped at the rim of his valve.  He squirmed, trying to get closer to the sensation.  Inferno chuckled at that, and the vibrations rippled through his valve, making him moan.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say ya weren’t getting’ any.”
“Oh, I’m getting plenty.” Smokescreen pulled away from Inferno’s spike to retort, before licking the length of it and taking the tip back into his mouth and suckling.  Inferno groaned and bucked his hips, trying to get Smokescreen to take him in deeper.  Smokescreen obliged as best he could, shifting to wrap a hand around what he couldn’t fit in his mouth.  He hollowed out his cheeks and sucked and Inferno bucked again.  In an attempt to distract himself from the pleasurable sensations running through his system, Inferno resumed his exploration of Smokescreen’s valve, glossa lapping the edges again before slicking inside.  He thrust his glossa in and out, mimicking what his spike would do soon and Smokescreen moaned and writhed, urging him on between moans of pleasure.

All too soon, Inferno pulled back, eliciting another whine from Smokescreen.  Inferno rolled onto his back, gesturing for Smokescreen to straddle him.
“Ride me.” He murmured, hands guiding Smokescreen’s hips to his spike.  Smokescreen steadied himself over Inferno before slowly sinking down over his spike, optics offline as he processed the pleasurable stretch of his valve.
“Ooooh…” When his hips met Inferno’s, he stilled, struggling to process everything for a moment.  Inferno was glad he’d stilled; Smokescreen had the tightest valve he’d had for a while, and that slick heat around his spike was almost his undoing.

Slowly, Smokescreen raised himself off Inferno’s spike, relishing the drag of the large spike across the sensors in his valve.  Inferno tightened his grip on Smokescreen’s hips slightly, almost as though he didn’t want the smaller mech to move.  As Smokescreen sank back down, he let out a long moan.
“Oh frag that’s good.”
“Yer tellin’ me.” Inferno groaned, voice strained.  Smokescreen rose up again, setting an easy rhythm that drew them closer and closer to overload.

Inferno thrust his hips up as Smokescreen sank down on his spike, unable to help himself.  Leaning, forward, Smokescreen let his hands trail over Inferno’s chest plating.
“Such a large spike, filling me up so nicely.” He purred.
“Only ‘cuz you got a tight little valve.  Need ta get ‘faced more often.” Inferno grunted, pulling Smokescreen back down on his spike.
“You offering?” Smokescreen gasped, tilting his hips as Inferno thrust up again.
“If ya want ta.”
“But what about Red?” Inferno groaned.
“Ya don’t hafta bring him up when we’re in the middle a ‘facin’.”
“Sorry.” Smokescreen realised his error and leant forward to press an apologetic kiss to Inferno’s chest plates.  Mollified, Inferno moved one hand from Smokescreen’s hip to encircle his spike.  Smokescreen bucked forward at the sensation, groaning as new sensors in his valve were stimulated.
“Frag… not going to last much longer.” Smokescreen moaned, riding Inferno’s spike ever closer to his overload.
“Then don’t.” Inferno grunted.  It was obvious that he was close to his own overload too.  A few more pumps of Smokescreen’s spike, and the door-winged mech was overloading, transfluid covering Inferno’s hand while his valve tried to clench around the large spike.
“Oh yeah…” Inferno thrust up one more time and overloaded himself, unable to resist the tight valve.  They slumped together for long moments before Smokescreen finally managed to collect himself enough to lift off Inferno’s spike.
“That was…”
“You’re good.  Anyone would think you’d been taught by Primus himself.” Smokescreen couldn’t help but compliment Inferno.
“Nah, Grapple.”
“Don’t be gettin’ ideas.  I think he wants to try with Hoist.”
“Mmmm… they’d be well suited.” Smokescreen mused, sprawling across Inferno’s chest plating.
“Yeah, so don’t be getting any ideas ‘bout going after Grapple.”
“But he did teach you well.”
“Wanna see what else he taught me?”

Author’s Note Addendum: I would also like to know why at one point in this fic, Smokescreen was riding Motormaster’s spike…

rare pairings, smokescreen, inferno, smut, custom 'verse, sticky, tf

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