Dear Yuletide Writer of 2013...

Oct 07, 2013 21:37

Dear Yuletide Writer (or prospective treat writer),

Hello and thank you! You have excellent taste in fandoms and are probably a pretty cool person. Worry not. I will probably love whatever you write for me. My Yuletide letters can get pretty lengthy, but that's just because I like to throw out a lot of prompts and options. Optional details are, of course, optional and, ultimately, I want you to write something you'll enjoy writing and feel you're good at. But if you're like me and prefer lots of options and specifics ...

Things I Like: I like to see action move a plot. I love character heavy stuff, but I like for them to actually be doing things. I love a good story arc. I love hurt/comfort but also love happy endings. I'm the kind of awful person who really enjoys seeing her favorite characters bloody and bruised and in turmoil but, ultimately, earn their happy ending. While I enjoy things going to dark places, I almost always prefer a happy or optimistic ending. (If one just doesn't fit the story, I'm flexible.) I like when a fic could, conceivably, fit into the canon timeline of things. I like porn with my plot.

Things I Dislike: I don't like fics that are stuck in a character's head. I don't like too much exposition or exposition-heavy worldbuilding. I don't really care for fics with moments based on real world issues the writer feels strongly about. (ex. Fic passes the Bechdel Test? Neat. Two women shoehorned into scene specifically there to pass Bechdel Test? I appreciate what you're going for, but I'd rather not.) I generally don't like fics that meander, where nothing happens or is accomplished.

Things I Like (that are of a sexual nature): Just skip this if you don't plan on writing sex. I always love a side of porn with my plot but can absolutely live without it. On the off chance you do want to include something sexual in your fic... I'll go ahead and get it out of the way that I do really like non-con. It is, perhaps, my biggest fic kink. If that is a major "Nope." for you, go ahead and skip down to the second paragraph. I always feel sort of awful requesting it, but... if you're someone who enjoys writing that sort of thing, I could go for it in literally all of my requests (With the exception of Hellraiser. Go figure.) with Jesse, Matt Miller, or Robert, respectively. Like with my hurt/comfort preferences, I do need that comfort and recovery and/or optimistic ending. It also seems worth mentioning that I don't want the rapist to be a likable character.

In more general terms, my tastes lean a little rough. (With the exception of Hellraiser. Go figure... I could seriously see myself going for something considerate and gentle with Kirsty/Pinhead or Joey/Dreamer.) I love dominate women and submissive men. I don't really enjoy men penetrating women in fiction but cunnilingus, fingering, and/or pegging are all encouraged. I don't like gore for the sake of gore, but I'm totally fine with some Hellraiser-style pain/pleasure. I enjoy f/f, f/m, m/m, solo, twosomes, threesomes, moresomes. I absolutely do not want anything with anyone underage and, despite enjoying noncon, I usually don't enjoy fics where consent is questionable. (Given the nature of the movies, dubcon would probably be fine in Hellraiser, though.)

Random Other Things: Do you engage in traditional Yuletide stalking? If you do, you may have noticed that I don't really use this blog outside of Yuletide. You can find me slightly more active here:

And as a, shot in the dark general prompt for a Hellraiser or Bioshock Infinite crossover - the video game Outlast holds the distinction of being this year's fandom I discovered right after nominations ended. Just saying. If you like either of those things and also Outlast (and also crossovers)... that sounds like a good time.


Breaking Bad
[Jesse Pinkman]

Oh, I miss Breaking Bad so much already. I loved how character-driven it was. I love how the story didn't waste the viewer's time with dozens of plots that went nowhere. The character development was spectacular. It was a great show... But now it's over and I need some damn closure for Jesse.

I need Jesse fic. I need to know what he did and where he went. Did he go to Alaska? Did he say bye to his parents? To Brock? Did the police catch up to him? Does he settle down? Start a family? Begin a lucrative career in making small, wooden boxes? I NEED TO KNOW!

I'm craving some post-Breaking Bad Jesse-centric fic. That said, flashbacks are more than welcome. I'd definitely like to know more about his time with the Nazis and see more interaction with Todd. Todd was... interesting. I'd like to, maybe, see what happened to some of the other characters; whether it's on the evening news or because he too gets caught up in all the legal fallout Walt left behind.

I really want a happy ending for Jesse. Poor dude has some psychological and physical scars by this point, and I would like to see him work through that. I'd like to see him come to terms with the bad things he's done, with Andrea and Jane's deaths and with his relationship with Walt. I really loved hearing the whole talk about self-acceptance in Problem Dog. Is he going to try to forget everything that happened or does it still influence his life? In a bad way? In a constructive way? Both?

Walt/Jesse squicks me a bit, so none of that, please. I'd like hearing more about their relationship, but only as mentor/father figure/...archnemesis.


Saints Row

I love what Saints Row has become. As fun as Saints Row 2 was, I didn't need another GTA. I didn't want to brutally murder anyone who looked at me funny and bury people alive. I love that the focus has shifted to fun. I love the satire and poking fun at romanticizing gang culture and celebrity worship. I love that the characters (mostly) care about and support each other.

I didn't request any specific character, because I couldn't pick just one. I'd be equally happy with an ensemble fic or a fic featuring any combination of characters. I realize they were a play on Mass Effect romances, but I honestly really liked having casual sex with my homies. I'd enjoy seeing that carried over into fic. Threesomes, impromptu orgies, even some committed/sweet polyamory would be welcome.

I think the Boss is awesome. In my own personal headcanon they're a dissociative psychopath working through their issues. They switch genders and adopt personas like some people swap hair colors. They frequent Image as Designed and no one really says anything, because it's the Boss. Whatever helps them manage. At least they're not locking young women in trunks at destruction derbies. More fun, less mercy killing. I'd love to see the many faces of the Boss worked into fic; humorously or seriously or even just in passing.

I prefer female!Boss because that's what I normally play. My favorite Boss is Russian Boss, but I've played through the various games as Latina Boss, French Boss, Southern Belle Boss, and Laura Bailey!Boss. (Laura Bailey!Boss is probably my least favorite.) I've played co-op with my boyfriend while he was zombie Boss, Nolan North Boss, and Cockney Boss.

Out of the nominated homies, Asha and Matt are my current favorites. Asha is such a badass, and Matt is such a dork. I wouldn't mind a fic featuring these two or even having them as the focus. Maybe an MI6 mission or something. Asha feels responsible for her hacker, and I thought that was precious. I'd probably prefer them as friends, but I'm honestly up for any pairing in this fandom.

I also nominated Johnny Gat this year, just because I loved him with the Boss. God help me, I thought their "romance" was heartwarming. I'd be happy seeing them together as kind of the parents of the Saints, together in some sort of cute, weird, domestic open relationship of sorts.

As for the other nominated characters, I wouldn't mind seeing Shaundi getting past her anger issues now that Gat's back. I really love Kinzie with Oleg, though I realize he wasn't nominated and, again, am more than happy with any combination of relationships in this particular fandom.

Wow. That was a wall of prompts. Sorry about that. Overall, I'm good with something that captures the mood of SR3 & 4 or even something more serious. (Or something in-between.) I'd like it if it took place post-SR4, though. I'm assuming they used the time machine to restore Earth. Maybe they're exploring the universe or traveling through time or just back home. Whatever strikes your fancy, dear writer.



This is one of those things I request every year and have yet to recieve. Hellraiser 2 is my favorite horror movie of all time. I could write you a rambling, 100 page manifesto about how much I love Hellraiser. I won't, because that would be both unnecessary and creepy... but I could. I will, however, wax fangirl for just a bit about the things I enjoy about the Hellraiser universe.

I really like the universe as it's captured in the first two movies. I love the idea of this alternate, alien dimension where there live acolytes of a hedonistic religious order dedicated to the flesh, to the extremes of pain and pleasure. I love that desire calls the cenobites, that they come to people who "want" to be there, people who are bored or desensitized or longing and curious. I loved that they wouldn't take Tiffany even though she opened the box ("It is not hands that summon us.")  but suspect Kirsty belongs with them. ("Didn't open the box.' And what was it last time, 'Didn't know what the box was?' And yet, we do keep finding each other, don't we?"/"Oh, Kirsty. So eager to play, so reluctant to admit it.") I love my cenobites orderly and morally ambiguous.

At the same time, I like that these are people who were all something else once. An eternity of pain and pleasure can get old and a lot of the cenobites seem to have a human side that they can tap into and occasionally miss.

I ship Kirsty/Pinhead. I feel like they both have something the other wants; Pinhead misses his humanity/Kirsty is drawn to the Labyrinth more than she cares to admit to herself. As much as I dislike the later movies, I wouldn't mind seeing Kirsty pulling something like in 6 and calling the cenobites in for some sort of bargain or favor.

I didn't request any particular characters for this, though. I'd be happy with anything set in this universe. I adore Julia. I'd love to see what she went on to after losing her skin yet again. Is Channard still around? I see that I'm not the only one requesting Hellraiser this year and that Joey and Dreamer got nominated too. Something with those two would also be totally welcome. Friendship between the two would be fine, but I do ship them, so if you want to run with that, by all means.

The only things I ask that you stay away from are some of the silly changes I felt the movies did. I hate the cenobites as regular old slasher villains. I hate them as denizens of a Christian Hell, there to judge people for their sins. I much prefer the Labyrinth as a place people just perceive as Hell.

Also, if you want to cross over with some other Clive Barker works, I'm cool with that. (Cabal/Nightbreed, Weaveworld, ect) Most of them seem pretty interconnected.


Bioshock Infinite
[Robert Lutece, Rosiland Lutece]

I liked Bioshock Infinite but didn't love it... Which is, apparently, a very unpopular opinion to have anywhere. I keep running into gamers who insist people criticizing the game are just doing so because it's popular. Honestly, I was pretty underwhelmed. Putting aside all my irrelevant grievances with the gameplay, I liked the worldbuilding but didn't care for the main characters. I never felt very strongly about Booker and, for whatever reason, the game never successfully endeared me to Elizabeth. I wasn't wowed by the story either, maybe because alternate universes aren't exactly new to me. Meh.

So why request Bioshock Infinite? Luteces. OMFG, Luteces. Two of my favorite characters ever to show up in a video game: Luteces.
The Luteces made the game for me. I love their personalities, I love their banter, I love them. I also love Lutecest, but if Rosiland/Robert isn't your thing, a caring relationship as "siblings" is fine.

Alternate universes are nothing new to me, but that's because I love 'em. They're one of my favorite things to see and use in fic, and I definitely wouldn't be against seeing one here. I'd like to see Robert and Rosalind more vulnerable, without their space time powers. I'd love to see them in the middle of the action, out of their element but intelligent; whether this is pre-them becoming unstuck in time or them being metroided in some perilous AU. Maybe they run into an alternate version(s) of themselves. A creepy AU (Of any sort, not just shot in the dark!Outlast prompt up above.) might be neat, but whatever you feel you can write best is what I'd prefer.

Again, I definitely ship these two. I find them fluffily, romantically narcissistic. If you can stand to write them together, please do. If you don't care for Lutecest, I'd be equally happy with their relationship portrayed like it is in the game.


Whew. I think that's it. Happy writing, dear Yuletide writer! Have fun and thanks again!
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