Yuletide 2012!

Oct 17, 2012 18:33

Dear Yuletide writer-person,

It's that time of the year again! Huzzah! Welcome to my letter and know that anything you write for me will always be appreciated. If you bothered to come visit this letter, I very probably love you already. NOW DON'T LET ME DOWN. Just kidding, you can't let me down. Really, you can't.

General Likes: Most of all, I love plot. I like a story with an arc, conflict, resolution.I like it when a fic could, conceivably, be canon. I like it when characters move a story rather than exposition and events. I like well-written drama and angst, so long as things end on a happy or optimistic note. I like hurt/comfort (not whump). I like humor, dark or otherwise, and I definitely don't mind some humor in aforementioned drama, angst, and/or hurt/comfort. I like characters to earn their happy ending. I like some porn with my plot.

General Dislikes: I'm not a fan of OOCness to suit a plot. I don't like it when the entire fic is stuck inside a character's head. i.e. I don't like stream of consciousness fics that meander off into nowhere without any structure.  I dislike it when nothing happens in a fic and nothing is explained or accomplished. I'm probably not overly fond of straight-up character studies. (Though I do absolutely adore thoughtful explorations of characters.)

As mentioned before, I do enjoy some porn or sexual themes with my plot. So, if you plan on including those.

Likes: Whatever gender with whatever other gender. Solo. Twosomes. Threesomes. Moresomes. Romance. Flings. BDSM. Women taking the dominate role. Pegging. In fiction. I do really enjoy (fictional) dubcon or noncon and torture of a sexual nature. That said, I definitely don't want any characters I requested and like turned into rapists. In a fandom like Hellraiser, dubcon is probably okay.

Dislikes: Anything underage. And, ya know, fetishes that aren't my own... So, obviously, don't throw something random about feet or urine in there. While I do like rough sex and torture and some... really awful things... I'm not into guro. I like sex in my violence but don't find the violence itself erotic. Explaining what I meant got lengthy. So, here: Here's a Hellraiser/Nightbreed video I made once. That. I like that.



I'd love some Handsome Jack backstory.

I enjoyed Borderlands 2 and will probably continue to enjoy it on subsequent playthroughs. I was Zer0 and the boyfriend was Salvador the first time around. We had a pretty good time... But both of us were pretty underwhelmed by the plot.

The original vault hunters became near-helpless. The main plot got driven along by busy work. There was so much more that could have been done and so many plotholes left behind, because they didn't... TBH, when I heard there would be more story in this one, I might have raised my expectations a wee bit high for a gun porn game.

Despite the (imo) lackluster writing, Borderlands still has an interesting universe and a lot of colorful characters that I love. The best story-related part of Borderlands 2, for me, was Jack... Which might have been part of why the story sort of floundered for my boyfriend and I. Neither of us ever felt much motivation to kill him. He was our favorite part of the plot. We didn't want to kill our favorite part of the plot.

I've seen a lot of fan theories about how he was lying about Angel's mother and possibly murdered her to use Angel to further his own goals. He didn't love Angel, he just hated losing his key.

That only leaves me with more questions and makes the character a little too one dimensional for my taste.  I'm inclined to believe that he did love Angel, that he had a wife that he probably also loved, and that Angel's powers did, unintentionally, kill her mother and disfigure her father. That just makes more sense to me; that he might have grown to love and hate Angel at the same time. That, driven by people treating him like a nobody, he started making excuses for the progressively awful things he did.

I'd love a fic that explored those events and the psychology of them. Hell, if you have theories of your own, write about them instead.

For further fic-writing fuel, there are tons of questions I'd like to see answered: What did he do before Hyperion? What was up with the grandma issues? (all Grandma's framed pictures and disciplinary buzz axe made me curious) How the hell did he blackmail his way to the top? What was up with the vault symbol on his face? What was the deal with the  New-U stations? Hyperion made them, so why didn't the head of Hyperion respawn? Did he? He didn't seem to think he would. Did Angel block his information from it? Agh! I NEED ANSWERS!

And then there's the universe the game is set in. 99.9% of people in this universe seem to be absolutely deplorable. Jack was a bad dude, but so is most everyone else. And Pandora does need order. Probably not the kind Jack was going for, but it felt like the game was gearing up to explore the morality of that just a little more. Where's the line drawn? Is there a line? Does Jack genuinely believe he's the hero of the story? Is there any truth to that, or is he just insane and delusional?

So... Yeah. Hopefully there's something to work with in all that rambling. sorry about that. If you want to skip to events during or post game, I'm fine with that. I'm craving backstory somewhere in there, though. No happy or optimistic ending necessary for this particular prompt.


Kirsty Cotton: I didn't open the box!
Female Cenobite: "Didn't open the box." And what was it last time, "Didn't know what the box was?" And yet, we do keep finding each other, don't we?
Pinhead: Oh, Kirsty. So eager to play, so reluctant to admit it.
I really like the idea that Kirsty is drawn to the Cenobites and that Pinhead, missing the humanity he lost, is sort of drawn to her, too.

Just sticking to the movies, 1 and 2 are two of my favorite films of all time. Everything after that just ranged from "Meh." to "Uuugh." (Though, I did rather like seeing Kirsty make a deal with the Cenobites later in life.) So as not to complicate things, I'd prefer just sticking to the movies. To simplify them further, you could even ignore all but the first two, if you wanted. I've read the novella, the short story anthology, a good number of the comics. I've soldiered through every film... except Revelations. Things get sort of muddled and contradictory throughout, obviously. My very favorite canon is the one that exists within the first two movies.

I really dislike how the movies kept painting the Cenobites more and more like generic villains or as the judges of souls. I like that "desire calls them". I like it when people are the villains and the Cenobites are just doing their job. I love my  Cenobites amoral. I prefer them as "explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others."

Similarly, I prefer the Labyrinth as a place people perceive as Hell, and not as an actual Christian Hell. Their world is so interesting and I wouldn't be at all opposed to taking some creative license to delve deeper into it. Include the Order of the Gash, if you want. The idea of strict, religious otherworldly hedonism gets my imagination all sorts of excited.

I'd love something exploring Kirsty's relationship with the Cenobites, especially Pinhead. And viceversa, what Pinhead sees in Kirsty. It doesn't have to be sexual and/or romantic(?)... but I do rather ship them. So, if you want to include something along those lines, I'd love it.


Not much more to say on this one, aside from what was already in the optional details. It's one of my standard requests from fic exachanges that I will keep occasionally throwing out until it gets filled. And, when and if that happens, maybe even after.

Owen/David/Fox is my OT3/OT4/OTwhatever. I love the characters individually. I love their living arrangement. They are all badasses. They would make the very best of power threesomes... I'm not sure if power threesome is a thing... Is it a thing? It should be a thing.

I wouldn't mind some action and excitement in this fic. And, while I didn't mean anything sexual by that, sex-type-happenings would also be much appreciated.

If you don't care for threesomes, I wouldn't mind something with just Owen and Xanatos. It seems like there would be more slash with those two than there is. Once I flirted with the idea of making a fanvid of them. (Warning: Awesome 90's music.)

Other than that, I wouldn't mind something Owen/Puck-centric. It goes for all three scenerios, but I'd love Owen getting some much deserved appreciation and thanks for everything he does for that family.


Well, I think that about covers it. Godspeed, Yuletide writer-person! I look forward to seeing what you write.
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